
“Intimacy Coordinator”? What kind of bullshit title is that?

Yes, but the difference is that the insular millennials didn’t know about that that stupid shit she’d been saying for years, probably because she didn’t say it on Twitch or whatever.

Just a reminder that this was posted on the AV Club.

Lewis Hamilton looks like he was dressed by Mugatu in that pic.

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Sir Winton Turnball (a Member of Parliament for the Country Party): “I am a Country member!”

Don’t you dare denigrate the Malcolm hood like that.

Seriously. If Jalopnik wants to sling me a credit card I’ll head out to the Swift dealer and put Jalop’s dollarydoos down for a review.

Aussie here.

Is that because Aussie get them and you don’t?

As a currently...between-contracts...Creative and Professional Writing grad who majored in Journalism...I approve of this sentiment. Seriously, Jalopnik. Have your people call my people...which would just be me, really.

We had Jimnies since the seventies - farmers absolutely loved the old trayback versions, even the 2-strokers, as paddock runabouts - before those Polaris Rangers things were ever things. You could fit a few bales of hay in the back, enough to send your kids out to do the evening feed for a lambing paddock. Holden even

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The fact that this ‘Strayan doesn’t know what the bloody hell a Suzuki Jimny is a bloody outrage, it is.

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OK, OK, OK, Caroline. As resident Strayan commentator, it is my patriotic duty to present to the greatest Vietnam War flick ever committed to silver and celluloid:

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Well, at least Colonel Gentleman will have less to worry about.

There’s an old infantry saying: if the eggheads figure out how to take ten pounds off the load of a soldier, the brass will mandate an extra twenty pounds worth of shit to take.

Fuck yes. God, I miss Paget Brewster’s manic energy.

Zack wrote this?

Has the palsied prick managed to figure out what a fucking tripod is yet?

Stealing bread?