

Fucking hell, I never knew how much we needed Brian Cox to play a piss-take version of Seagal until now.

Seagal may have pissed himself, but David Carridine would’ve cum in his pants.

Trump actually manages to make an American Sack Suit look even worse.

To be fair, his performance was amazing on in that film.

That’s racist.

The “gender identities” bit wasn’t there in 2007.

The irony is that Pete G’s political career was done in by non-asbestos insulation.

Not to mention they’re always THE. WORST. FUCKING. PARTS of the game.

There’s one reason, and one reason only, for the metaplot:

Her book of poetry ‘A Night Without Armor’ **yes, seriously** made her the highest paid poet ever.

I suppose it depends on what sort of time travel they’re going for - the forked-reality version (if so, then those two aren’t “our” Billy and Rusty) or if it’s the same-timeline version, which means it is “our” Billy and Rusty.

Checkmate, Mr. Wayans.

We’re approaching a point where streaming is now WORSE than cable/pay TV ever was.

  • The joke about Doc having a restraining order out on him (and Facebook stalking his intended in response) just kind of bummed me out.

Well “supposable” is a word - something that can be supposed. 


Oh, next thing you’re gonna tell me is that the Big Mac is a reference to the name “McDonald”.

“Hello friend. Good news! Fantastic Caribbean getaway...”

Catera? Does it provide food for functions, conferences, and other events?