
This honestly has got to be one of the only (non-anime) animated shows that actually gives a shit about the animation. Not just “Fuck it, people only watch it for the dialogue, let’s get three guys to do the whole thing in Flash”.

Chinaman here. Yes, I am aware that is not the preferred nomenclature.

Chritina Milioti is mad-talented. I figured, sure, Serena - she’s playing the Noo Joizee Italian-American accent, straight outta The Sopranos. Had to pause the credits to see who voiced both Novia and the receptionist. And I was very pleasantly surprised.

You’d suck at knifey-spoony, Yank.

(I absolutely hate crafting in games. Please make it stop!)

Seriously, how do you fuck up a two-word title?

It’s a stiletto, not a butterfly knife.


Still ekin’ my way through Divinity: Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition: Colon Blow Out.

My most controversial modern TV opinion is...

Yeeeeeeah. Australian here.

READY PLAYER ONE: Everything wrong with nerd culture in one turgid volume!

Forget the dumbass memes of sharks on the freeway.

Man, who knew Miller from The Expanse was a great singer-songwriter?

When Slytherin sends it people, they’re not sending their best.

I loved it when Pirate Captain exclaimed “JESUS JONES!”

St. Cloud, to me, remains one of the most important villains the show has created - and I hold a special place of hatred in my heart.

“Inexhaustible wealth” is, remember, both Tony Stark’s and Bruce Wayne’s only superpower. 

Er, Red Death and Mrs. Red Death?

You Yanks.