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I was at uni from 2003-2006. The two jobs I would have called my dream jobs (editing and journalism) basically disappeared as viable career options before I finished my damn degree

The ep titled “The Dinner Party” is one of my favourite bottle eps ever.

Can we have a crossover of the two games so the dog from Frasier can ride the dolphin from Seaquest?

I can’t wait until his trial. I shall be popping some corn and laughing my arse off. I want to see him crying. I want to see his 4chan-bait trophy missus completely abandon him., with the obligatory teary interviews she uses to flog her new album and tell-all book.

Kidneys. The ol’ piss-strainers.

I don’t hate the show for any gender-based reasons.

Eh, we just let the chlamydia take ‘em out.

Man, Pursehouse Rural and CRT are selling ‘em cheap. Told you. No hay, not much demand for new pitchforks.

Dude, he had a harelip.

You Seppos are lucky you don’t have Royalists. Christ almighty.

I’m capable of judging all aspects of Tolkien fandom.

That’s weird, that Dr. Who misogyny, since 90% of Dr. Who’s fanbase is 18-year-old girls. I’m guessing their pissed there’s no man-candy for them with the new doctor.

Well, fuck, what else am I going to do with this pitchfork? I’m in rural NSW, for fuck’s sake. There isn’t any hay to be had here for love nor money.

Battleaxe better be in the next ward over. God, she was good.

I honestly hope a black guy shoots her - just imagine how gloriously pissed-off she would be in real life.

Anyone else get the feeling they’re sizing up Red Death to be rival on the Council to Phantom Limb?

Not mean. I really want to see Hank have the utter shit kicked out of him. 

It would actually make him interesting.

Hank’s also too fucking dumb to ever be able to realise if he IS going to the dark side. My theory is is that he’ll end up a doing a bunch of evil shit, and not realise it.