
My two favorite anti-Bitcoin arguments:

Sounds like you’re just salty because you didnt get in early and coudlve been rich now if you did

Kinda like criminals have been doing with US dollars since forever. Lotta cocaine on your money.

Since its “completely anonymous” and nobody uses it...except for Overstock, Virgin, Microsoft, OkCupid, Tesla...but its just for tax evasion, and money-laundering...

It’s a crime to lie about it to the FBI and Congressional committees, and to ask the head of the FBI to drop the investigation, then fire him when he doesn’t.

Make up your damn minds people. I can only cancel/uncancel this Papa John’s order so many times.

I don’t know. He seems like a pretty smart guy that wouldn’t believe something that dumb. I think he’s just blinded by a close friendship. Sometimes it’s hard to see someone you’re close to for what they are. Masterson’s crimes aren’t Kutcher’s fault. It’s kinda shitty to blame him. He seems like a good dude.

He was a biochemical engineering major at the University of Iowa when he was scouted, a couple of years after I graduated. He’s a pretty bright guy.

I’ve heard people trying to defend McNair’s remarks as “something that people say all the time.” The thing is, I’ve never heard “inmates running the prison.” It’s always been “inmates running the asylum,” as in bat-shit psychotic patients attempting to run their psychiatric hospital. That being the case, his use of

In a prison movie prison warden McNair would order a lockdown, and vow to break the ringleaders as a lesson to the others.

Wow, it’s almost like the protests, like the national anthem itself, have nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with the dehumanization of black people. Who knew!

Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.

Jaywalking is a crime.

But they’re totally not racist against Latinos, though... Just the “illegals”, their families, friends, anyone who looks like them...

Don’t be looking around incredulously among the Trump supporters in your life for what they think now, when they said they’d just wanted “bad” undocumented immigrants to go. They are perfectly fine with this. This is what they intended. They really meant that all undocumented immigrants are “bad.”

I’ve been with my wife for over 10 years and I still try and get my wife to change her mind at least every other Saturday.

Are you kidding me? Where did you grow up to have so much faith in law enforcement? Do you actually know what happens to women who report rape? Do you understand the secondary trauma of being questioned, accused and violated all over again? Where I grew up the police were the ones we were afraid of. It never crossed

That’s why I changed my Siri to a male voice. If I wanted to take directions from a female, I’d listen to my wife.

I’m sure Breitbart is just chomping at the bit to make an offer and turn ABC into the second 24 hour all-white supremacist network. Fox News being the first of course.

To be fair, you can’t expect a female to know the most efficient route out of the stadium.