
This is a game I’ve been looking at for a while, but have been unsure about because of the nature of the trailer. When a character dies, are they out of the family tree, or do some characters like the aforementioned puppy get permadead while the actual controllable characters simply “faint”?

I tried the DW8 demo and realized it was the same game I played when I played DW4. I think the thing that was ruining it was that there were obvious improvements in presentation but because the mechanics were nearly unchanged the game almost felt like a budget title in a bad way. On the other hand DW3 had a budget

I remember having an issue of EGM which had a full page ad for Secret of Mana, containing nothing but that picture plus the title text. I remember think oh boy this game must be good.

Monster Hunter World and then some AC Origins for me. Warframe is on hiatus since I was playing the devil out of it.

Not trying to be nitpicky but all the BL2 protagonists can revive during bleedout, not just sal.

I have not seen black diablos but I have seen the B-52 come and ruin my day several times.

If I remember correctly, The Gunslinger is the first book King wrote, but he did not publish it until much much later. It definitely reads as such. While it sets up the story, in the context of the series it almost seen as an off shoot. Book 2 (the Three Doors?) really does a better job of sucking the reader in.

How does it compare to TTD?

It’s not being “that guy” - it’s being realistic. The number of games that allow you to be a black guy that isn’t either some form of caricature or a recolored white dude are surprisingly few and far between.

It’s a shame. I installed it a while ago, played it for a bit after they “sped up” the gameplay and had a bit of fun. What is unfortunate is that they did not play to their strengths; the game company that is best known for their faster style of play and action-heavy games failed to fully bring that sense into the

Isn’t it Lost “Sphear”?

I don’t remember if it was exactly this mod, but I do remember toying around with a DBZ-ish mod for half life around 18 years ago. If this is it, it is kind of amazing how much it has improved.

It’s Ok. You have Warframe for the grind now. :)

I sure hope this scratches your Destiny itch.

I built my first pc 20 years ago and have not looked back. Sure the first time was hell, but having gone through diagnostics a couple of times, I have been prepared for power surges knocking out various components to minor upgrades. The only feat that really eclipses this is trying to do a non automated install of

The problem is that it is not necessarily a flaw. The CPU design does what it was supposed to do. The same question can be asked of the Linux kernel. Why wasn’t there kernel page table isolation (kpti) in the first place? If there was then meltdown would not have been an issue.

On a family vacation, so I’m limited to what my linux laptop can handle, so it’s most likely going to be a bunch of CK2 and Stellaris. I just noticed Hollow Knight is playable on linux now so I might attempt to 100% that.

It’s a shame, but big-picture I understand the change. Suppose the old prestige strike/raid/whatever was kept as-is; over time as more people get the expansions the number of players actively participating in such content would dwindle to the point that it could ruin the newcomer’s experience by not having someone

Path of Exile doesn’t get enough love here, but the latest free expansion War for the Atlas is out on 12/8 (Friday) along with the Abyss League.

So if I understand everything correctly, Bungie hadn’t designed and endgame, fans complained, and now they’re putting in an endgame? Wasn’t the “endgame” a problem with the first destiny, in that you would be playing the “endgame” and then a new expansion would come out 3 months later effectively nullifying your