
I do not know what the structure is at Apple but if there is not some form of secure engineering department or some structure in place to ensure security other than QA, that is a fault at the executive level especially in todays digital climate.

I long for the days of you don’t like the game, you stop playing it and move on. It would be understandable if this was a subscription based MMO (yes I understand that you technically need a psn/xbl subscription but that is a different matter) where not listening to the playerbase is shafting the players, but that is

The developers are still active and the ones behind Grim Dawn.

This guy let me install a horse Pope. My life is complete.

The formula was pretty good. I know of quite a number of players that paid money for in-game cosmetics, like one would do for Path of Exile. Even though the game was acting as advertisement, keeping up pace with the Marvel cinematic Universe was probably detrimental. Not to mention the shift in focus to bring the

While it sucks, I wonder if part of it has to do with Gaz’s current CEO who is an all around scumbag.

I understand where EA is coming from, but they’re completely missing the point. Having such popular characters locked behind progression is standard practice for a lot of games. Uncharted had some of the cooler costumes locked behind massive in-game $$$, as does Nioh, and pretty much any game that has some form of

I have logged more hours on this map than in Destiny and Destiny 2 combined.

I’m excited for the character creation. While I loved the first game, viking guy just wasn’t cutting it for me.

Shut up. Is that a squirrel girl costume??!??!!!

Ultimately what matters is the perceived performance and responsiveness. If you are at 100% cpu that is no reason to be alarmed unless you are experiencing stuttering, delayed inputs or some other similar performance impact. We have been conditioned to think that lower levels of utilization is good, when it just means

From a design perspective I can certainly understand the issue. Kubrows and sentinels serve different functions - the former act like other players (albeit dimwitted), while the latter are more utilitarian in nature. If you start stripping away sentinel abilities and giving them to the frame, you have to start

The biggest issue is that Kubrows don’t have an innate Vacuum ability. It used to be majority of folks used Carrier since that sentinel was the only one that could use Vacuum. With the War Within update it was changed to be a generic sentinel mod with the Carrier now having ammo mutation.

Finally some Warframe love. For as much Destiny talk as this site has, it is amazing that there isn’t more coverage for a game that has a lot in common with Destiny.

Honestly, the grind isn’t that bad. The early game is a bit rough until you understand the mechanics of mods, and then it really opens up. I put in maybe an hour or two a night and after a week I can get several frames without even trying.

Out of the three Tri-Ace rpgs to come out on the ps2, this was closely behind VP: silmeria for me. It was a good game but I greatly disliked the designs for Lenneth, Freya, and some of the endgame content. Not to mention that it pissed me off to no end that you couldnt have the same sword and armor comvo that Jack has

As a father with kids under 4, I learned fairly soon that my previous gaming life was over. What I did not expect though was how it affected my view of games. Instead of judging them based on their fun factor, I now judge them based on whether or not they are worth my time.

You’re right. Had the names mixed up. Point was that BoI:Rebirth is more than a two-man operation.

The two developers are not nicalis. Ed and Tyrone worked on the original BoI. Rebirth and its expansions were made by Nicalis with direction by Ed and Tyrone.

Let’s be real here. It’s a meh change, but you spend most of the game in the first person and the shaders don’t change the core experience of the game. Microtransactions like this allow for further development of aesthetics or even in certain cases new content. If said shaders were a requirement for some gameplay