
Looks like this weekend will be a Crusader Kings 2 fest with bits of Warframe and Nioh sprinkled in.

You’re forgetting Beasthood.

To be technical, the person giving the gift pays the taxes. Yes, I know it is weird.

Yeah I know there are items, but I wanted to find them more organically during my journey instead of being required to this early on.

Loving the improved narrative so far. The only hiccup I’ve found is that I’m playing on survival, and unfortunately the antimatter is in an abandoned underwater facility. There’s not nearly enough O2 to allow me to use the interface and swim out before losing all my health and shields.

I’m actually excited. It’s one of the few games I can play in front of my son (he refers to it as the “kite game” due to its logo). Not to mention the lonely romps through the desolate landscapes can be somewhat meditative after a stressful day in the office.

I know the series isn’t really notable for its shooting gameplay, but you left of the MGS series. The tranquilizer pistol was a staple for the series, followed closely behind by Ocelot’s revolver. In all of the games the pistol (I’m including lethal and nonlethal variants here) is given as a starter weapon, but for

I just got into this game after initially being put off by the animation. For some reason it wasn’t doing it for me at first. Now I find myself casually humming the map dude’s song.

Would you say that this game is very much like Hand of Fate?

Company of Heroes was indeed a fantastic game. With its focus on individual units instead of base building, it made me care more about my squads, not unlike how one would be attached to a character in the newer X-COM games.

I, for one, am still waiting for my Infinium Labs Phantom console. Duke Nukem Forever came out, so the console release has to be around the corner...

Kind of reminds me of Desktop Dungeons in a way.

Exactly my point. The AH wasn’t the problem - it should have been something complementary to the experience but instead turned out to be something near-mandatory to mitigate frustration, which in turn caused frustration :)

And that’s precisely why the retrospective would be interesting as a tale of two developers/producers. Blizzard took iterative steps in improving the experience. From the rebalancing of the legendaries, the addition of season play, act 5 and the overall refinement of the core gameplay loop as a shift from replaying

It would be interesting to see such a retrospective on SimCity 2013's launch.

I think Diablo 3 already has it. If not, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn and Path of Exile certainly do.

Hollow Knight, some Hearts of Iron IV, and some Horizon: Zero Dawn. It’s an H weekend it seems.

I’ve got a Hearts of Iron 4 campaign going on, so perhaps some of that. Watching the latest bit of new content from Tennocon has me excited for some more Warframe, so I’ll be putting in some time with that. At some point I will get back to Horizon Zero Dawn and FF XV.

That avatar gives me a huge Sombra vibe...

There’s more to it with the first bed. The perspective is all jacked up. For comparison, look at the bar and stools in the same image, then move your eyes down to the jacked up bed that is in the middle of the room. Either the bed is normal and the floor is warped or the floor is normal and the bed is extremely angled.