
I’m not sure there’s anything to “fix” here. What is the problem, seriously? When is the actual need to slam the steering wheel violently from one extreme to the other AT STANDSTILL? This is all just a bunch of nonsense to cause a stir and create an internet outrage.

If there was such a risk it would have shown itself by now. This is a simply unnatural set of circumstances that won’t occur in real life, and actually aren’t any sort of a problem even here. The vehicle isn’t moving, so it doesn’t matter if there was 12 hours of lag in the steering system. :P

Does it take more than .8 of a second to lock the front wheels from one extreme position to the other with a traditional steering wheel, or less than .8 of a second? You’d have to be superhuman to be this fast with a traditional vehicle. So, bad comparison.

Future Doc Brown couldn’t claim the CT to have ‘style’ though. It’s simply not possible.

Especially with “winner takes all” districts - anyone who voted for anyone else gets completely disenfranchised.

A lot of them are getting tired of his yakking the same tired shit over and over again and leave early these days (even the MAGAts can’t endure the repetition and random nonsensical waffling), or don’t even show up at all anymore. His crowd sizes are WAY down these days.

Joe Biden doesn’t have dementia. As you mention yourself, there’s countless recordings of him, including very recent ones, if he was suffering from dementia it would be equally obvious in ALL of them. And that just isn’t the case.

Honor Among Thieves was better than I expected, a really rather funny popcorn romp type movie. That said, I’d rather have one good Dragonlance movie or TV show than three more D&D movies or TV shows just as good as HAT was.

The workplace injuries statistics at SpaceX are pretty horrendous though, and there’s been complaints of sexism and bigotry too, so unfortunately it seems everyone’s Freeze Peach Absolutist is involved at at least some level. :/

It doesn’t matter if you’re a public figure or not, her characteristics, including appearance, voice and so on, is not open for grabs by anyone and everyone.

“Artificial untelligence” :)

This shows the limitations (and thus dangerous uselessness) of these “AI” systems: they don’t understand context or humor/sarcasm and therefore consider jokes the same as actual information.

Referred to as a “data void” or “information gap

Elon sucks, but this is fuckin exciting!

(Stupid Kinja double-posting...)

It’s in case there’s a problem with SpaceX’s rocket(s), so that there won’t be a huge hold-up in service to the ISS. It’s not as if the US can use Russia anymore for transports, after all...

They’re not a party anymore... They’re a cult. They’re not rational people, the hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty needed to keep worshipping Dump is part and parcel of their whole identity.

Effin A!

kek :D

Isn’t this a state trial rather than a federal? He can’t pardon state charges.