
The Muskrat probably cares more about the increased control over the company he’d gain by this than the actual valuation of the stock - although the latter would also help with his megalomaniacal ego, of course...

They don’t have to pay. Didn’t you read the post before jumping into the comments?

Or Clark Kent is Superman.

Is this Metrosexual He-Man, or does this young feller look beefier in real life than the photograph here suggests...?

Doesn’t seem like it should be such a huge problem, the ancient Gauls had things well in hand. You all should just take a page out of their book:

Yeah, these guys (8 of them) stunk so bad they were all let back onto the plane after an hour!

You can comfort yourself (?) with that it’s not just the US... These irrational pollution-humpers are absolutely everywhere.

Elon on a stage is SUCH an awkward experience... The hemming and the hawing, the pauses, the mumbling, the odd bouts of sudden laughter... Nvidia’s CEO Jen-Hsun Huang USED to be absolute shit at presenting, but HE improved. I’m not sure how he did it, there’s probably expensive consults to hire to teach executives how

Hey, I was gonna watch that thing on Netflix, don’t friggin spoil anything for me. lol

Hm, I thought CARB/the US mandated cats and unleaded fuel in the late ‘70s already, maybe I was too enthusiastic? I live in northern Europe, and we quit leaded fuel sometime in the first half of the ‘80s I think.

Mate, Hunter’s been to rehab, and my blood pressure isn’t even involved when just typing on a keyboard.

House cats are furry, warm and they purr. Also, are very cute, as a rule.

Libertarians are sociopathic shitholes who are out and proud about it. Absolutely disgusting “people”.

lol When some states wanted to invoke a constitutional amendment written to protect the US from traitors within to exclude Dump from the ballots because he organized an armed insurrection against the US gov’t, Repuggers screamed their tiny little heads off. “They’re trying to take peoples’ choice away!”, they yelled.

Hi, “Kate”.

Tetsuo: 1980s waist-high pants in the future! :D

Yes yes, I know the Raptor is hand-built also, I used the qualifier because RS-25 is priced like an exclusive hand-built product (not that a million bucks is exactly cheap - I’m talking comparatively here... :))


Personally I disagree on the skeletons - human beings are absolute shit. Look at what we’re doing to this planet, to the animals that live on it and to each other. We fuckin deserve to be exterminated.

Thanks for the educator on tooth enamel - I’d actually never heard about that before. Sounds interesting.