
Oh. Well, goodie for the Algerians - and the rest of the world! - then! Excellent news.

Righto, I actually forgot about that... :D

I dunno, I think Dump has pretty much all the support he’s ever going to have already, he’s such an abrasive, offensive, self-centered piece of shit you have to be a genuine headcase to like him. And all the crap he’s been spouting lately, wanting to be dictator on day 1 and all that fascist crap, it’s starting to

Apparently, conditioning political actions on whether you receive a monetary donation or not is not legal, and it’s been said (even more) investigations and legal proceedings may have been initiated over this demand of his.

Switching side from what to what? He announced back in 20corona already that he would vote Dump, and his behavior has been consistent with that since, and I think few on the side of thought and reason would be willing to take him back at this stage, would he ever even attempt to reverse course. People just wouldn’t

Maybe you should look into just how much the fossil fuel industry receives in subsidies each and every year.

Herr H was a lot younger than the Orange Menace though, assuming the barrel of toxic sludge misses the 2024 train, he’ll be like 83 the next time ‘round and none the fresher for the experience. Assuming he still lives at that point and his brain still works well enough for him to not stand there and drool on stage,

We’re at a point where we need fucking space aliens to come and save us from ourselves in order to be able to survive the multiple crisis we’re busy creating for ourselves.

“A decade”. It was more like half a century. Hell, there’s still a country or two out there where leaded petrol is still being sold.

But if you have a programmer who doesn’t know their job well enough to write the code themselves and instead relies on AI, that means they don’t UNDERSTAND what the code is doing, so how would they be able to validate it?

Recall when there was no accident? Why?

Thanks for clarifying what should have been included in the main post.

If you watch a video which sounds and looks like a fascist recruitment message and like it enough to toot it out all over the internet, that means you’re a fascist.

Silently points at the Florida Man who taunted a sign prohibiting swimming in a harbor because of gators, by jumping in and promptly getting killed AND eaten by one.

We can’t have a society where we don’t understand our own technology, which is what will happen inside of a human lifespan if we replace programmers with fucking AI. That is completely unacceptable!

Warning: long post.

Have you perhaps tried asking further queries to attempt to research your current status yourself?

What we call “AI” is neither intelligent, nor can it actually learn. An AI model is encoded with information at the time of its creation, and that’s all it will ever know. It will take a fundamental shift to some other entirely different technology to make it capable of dynamic learning, or (Dogs forbid) drawing

Saw a headline somewhere, don’t remember if it was here at Giz or maybe Ars Technica or somesuch, that a staggeringly high percentage of programming-related AI “answers” were incorrect - I don’t remember the exact number, but it was 50% or perhaps even higher.

What you say.