
As a service to to the people reading this part of the thread and in a response to people who keep claiming io9 spends a lot of time on real science, I checked the last 100 or so articles on io9 and this is how they were comprised.

Really. Where is that Written?

I thought Divorsky wrote for giz?

The Brits paid 75 million to have that patch go into space. Are you Daft?

Even when there is good news the sky is falling crowd will find a way to turn it into bad news.

Ohhhh, you used “stellar” I guess that makes your response sciency.

Of course he charges us for it.

Io9 is 90% pop syfy/fantasy culture. If it wasn’t for Mika (which is a sub blog) it would be 95%.

Just ban em like you usually do.

Well, at least the io9 thread nannies have had a lot of practice.

Those aren’t “posts not showing up” they are io9 fans special censor comment dumping in action.

Yes, batman, superman, super girl, arrow and flash are real people.

Io9 intellectually merged with jezebel a long time ago.

It's worse. Io9 is a bastion of feminist and LBGT politics.

Guess you’ll have to start banning all the long time gizmodo supporters and fans.

And you know how they achieved that “family feeling”? Mass banning a of anyone who didn’t agree with the ioBorg collective.

Yes, if you consider comic toy figurines “tech”.

One is real the other is fake.

Io9 is a pop culture media site, it emphasizes syfy/fantasy in movies, television, books and comics.

So? Is there a point or story I missed?