
I think it was more like, “Oh shit! It got out!” It’s easy to get surprised by something. Like, if I was told there was a wasp in a room, no problem, I got it. Just go in there with a wasp spray and hit the bitch. But if I open the door and immediately the wasp flies into my face I’m probably gonna scream and panic

They forgot about it. But then they found it just yesterday under the couch.

Well do they have any RELIABLE proof that they sent those warnings to the FBI? I would need to hear confirmation from the FBI themselves before I believe that and I haven’t seen it, at least not in this article.

Oh shit I know those walls! Those are it! Thanks homie, you are awesome. And you also bitch slapped my theory. Love it (not sarcasm).

So I think there’s a high chance Stephanie is with this group of soldiers. She said to meet at this train yard because they are required to process all new arrivals this way. I had a theory that the entire place is set up in a way to test people. If they have bullshit like paperwork maybe they also have the cars

OOH! OOH! I didn’t notice that! Does anyone have screenshots so we can confirm for certain? That pokes a hole in a theory I had, but it makes a lot of sense.

In comparison to all characters in the show universe I think Mays is closer to neutral on a good to evil scale. Many members of the hero group have done as bad or worse than what Mays did. Holy fuck, Gabriel locked all the members of his church outside and let them get eaten. Carol killed kids. And so many executions

That’s actually exactly what I thought was gonna happen. It looked to me like Gabe and Arron were purposefully placing the gun on the table in a way that the other can see if their next shot was gonna have the bullet. That model of revolver you can see which chamber has a round from the front of the gun. At least I

All those cars had bullet holes in them. There was a fight there and the can just got hit while it was still in the car trunk.

I think it was a completely unnecessary kill. Like, they did it! They actually saved Mays. They turned him. But Gabe killed him anyway. And for what? Cause he did pretty much the same our hero group has done in many situations? Morgan was broken and went on a murder spree where he killed every person he saw, even

They mention non-binary so assume they track trans in some way. I know Scarlet is trans and she’s a legit damn good Starcraft player, I enjoy watching her.

At this time, no, not realistic. You might find a few statistical outlier colleges that can achieve those numbers, but they are statistically insignificant when comparing the data as a whole.

I assume they’re hoping to make money back from the players. Much like how college footbal is set up at present. Colleges earn literal fuck tons of money from their athlete’s games, but those athletes see none of it. They don’t earn a salary or wage for playing, all the money goes to the colleges.

It would have also been nice to see numbers on how many women applied for esports scholarships.

is the rationale for calling these esports instead of games that “games” sounds trivial?

But what will their hands look like? I will literally start a one man riot if they have fingers!

Originally they were called The Whoop-Ass Girls, but obviously the name was changed once Cartoon Network greenlit it.

People will see different things. Like those optical illusions of two faces and a wine glass or the dress that looked blue or gold to different people. The tape is too far above the smile to look like a mustache to me. I just think this is silly and insignificant.

Oh sweet, I actually guessed right. Though I’d like to be more sure instead of guessing.

Was that guy really expecting to rent with those wierd rules or was he trying to make sure no one rented it for some reason? I just can’t wrap my head around those literally impossible rules.