
...Were people supposed to take this seriously? They have flared bases for crying out loud! FLARED BASES!!!

*meekly raises hand* Umm... question... Is there a website or something that tells you how to pronounce names? I think I can see how these names are supposed to be pronounced, but I’d like to know for sure. Now to get back on topic:

Was there a design you had in mind? Not trying to be smart, just curious.

What the hell? Is that a dildo commercial from Europe or something?

That’s fair, but even so it’s blue daboo dee daboo da.

*puts on salesman hat* Tired of getting pwnd by *comical double-take reading the script closer* DickInaPie? What’s with these usernames? Introducing Gamer Shoes! Theses babies will take your game to the next level! Just slip them on and in minutes you’ll be 360 no-scoping some noobs. Order in the next 10 nimutes and

Holy fuck that’s a lot of baseless assumptions and far reaches. It’s fucking BLUE tape! This is a clear and obvious Hanlon’s razor situation.

Season 1 had a conflicting, confused, and rushed ending since Nick didn’t promise the creators any more seasons than that one. Korra lost her bending but then literally the last 2 or 3 minutes she’s better and also she can restore bending to anyone that lost it.

I don’t know if I consider this situation a la carte. When I think a la carte I think, “I want all cooking stuff, soap operas, 50's sitcoms, and 80's action movies.” Like, being able to pick from niches and genres specific to my taste. All the big streaming services have all types of programming they curate

I know that. I’m thinking of the average consumer and their typical behaviors.

Prices for Netflix, Hulu, and Prime would go up accordingly.

Eh, Korra is just okay. Mostly because it was handicapped by Nickelodeon and the weird, abusive bullshit they pulled on the show and the creators. They literally stopped airing it just to make more time slots for Spongebob. Some episodes could only be seen online.

I think it’d be better if most of these new streaming services failed and they’d be forced to sell content to already well established companies like Netflix, Hulu, Prime, etc. These greedy attempts to fragment everything and try to make their own is inefficient and inconvenient to consumers and most don’t have a high

That said...bring it on the Xbox

OH SHIT! That’s... interesting...

Alright, hold on guys. Is that a picture of a cardboard cutout as the cover image or is that just funny edge lighting?

Your clone is 10 years old? Hope you both enjoy the movie.

There are certain circumstances in which Burton truly shines. On average, when he gets to work on something more original he makes good stuff. When he works on something like an adaption or remake of something there’s a lower chance of it being good. Also, when something has an inherent creep or horror factor there’s

I just want any actual competition for current ISP’s. Light a fire under their balls and get them to provide good services at fair prices.

That just seems weird. Not bad or good, just weird. It’s hard to imagine.