
Yeesh. If it is true that is has gone that deep and actually into the skin... I mean shit, she might just be fucked.

Our cities are already pretty much democrat majority. We need to turn the rural areas for a full blue flip. If you know any nature lovers, we got forests, plains, swamps, lakes, beaches, deserts, mountains, pretty much all terrain types. And it’s stupid cheap to live hear compared to many other places. Like, my

Woah there, Rob! There’s no need to piss on the other members of Mystery Inc. like that. I love Velma, but you don’t have to attack the rest of the gang to raise her up. Eat a Snickers or something.

There’s no way that’s real. Is it an edited image from a real episode or completely made up?

Texas is slowly turning blue. Please keep sending more Democratic voters, it actually is working wonders here. And while your at it, send a few to the mid-west states as well.

Lucy Lawless? Fuck yeah! Forget about greasing palms, whip out some dicks for us to sick to get that to happen!

Carano couldn’t act so, replacing that aspect wouldn’t be too difficult.

I’ll peeve your pets if I want to!

Slight correction: she’s a former Rebel trooper, not imperial. I mistook her for imperial too until I realized in a later episode.

She should try soaking her hair in olive oil or something like that. Worth a try. Maybe it’d permeate the hair and loosen the glue’s grip.

Might require one of those old-timey looking straight razors. Would definitely require the most skilled professional barber for that though, and even then it sounds kind of terrifying.

If Google killed Stadia tomorrow, what happens to the games people paid full price to play on their service?

There are already SEVERAL better alternatives. Competition is good for consumers.

Meh, seems reasonable enough... SO FAR. This is similar to asking eye witnesses what they saw at the time and place, except they’re asking Google instead of people. It actually seems more reliable. A human eye witness can make mistakes or have bad memories, especially after some time has passed. At least raw data is

For the right reasons this time!

How DARE you have red hair! The audacity!

“Does Your Teen Need a Personal Trainer?”

I think a lot more words would have gotten filtered if that were the case. Like, nearly everything is pornified. “If it exists, there is porn of it.”

Don’t say black! That’s filtered!

What the... Who the fuck are all these spinless fucktard parents? There are seriously adult people that can’t look at a list of dirty words? I don’t think people like that are mature enough to be having kids in the first place.