
Well shit. How am I gonna find out why Japanese schoolgirls started wearing those sailor uniforms?

I think I remember her just standing back up because her armor protected her fully. Hold on, let me go find it *google* Here it is:

she doesn’t look old enough.

I think most reputable brokers let you trade stocks without fees. Basically one company got rid of their fees and most of the rest did the same to stay competitive. (This is all based on quick and dirty research I did yesterday, do your own research if interested)

It’s an epic fantasy novel, will probably end up being several books long. Basic premise is a dorky guy is transported to a fantasy world and has epic adventures. The first book has a bit of a Beauty and the Beast vibe, but in reverse. Rico falls for a blacksmith/inventor wolf woman with big muscles. There is also a

Knowledge should always be shared. And if I’m wrong, someone will point it out and I will learn.

Quite understandable. It’s annoying how movies and TV is like a huge myth machine, and it can cause some problems in some cases. “Stand back guys, I’m an expert, I watched a lot of doctor movies and shows!”

That’s a good question, great intuition on your part. I’m not an expert, just did research on this one day, so look into more on your own if you’re curious. I assume that human hearts are just more complex than a frog’s muscles. Like, we consciously choose to move our muscles, but the heart is required to

This is all off the top of my head from research I did about a year ago, I’m sure there are some gaps I missed or special cases.

Minor spoilers, but this does happen in the Shin Godzilla movie from Japan a few years back.

Eh, understandable I guess. If someone stole my Everlasting Gobstopper I’d be pissed too, ya know?

Defibrillators are devices that restore a person’s normal heartbeat by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart. They can even help the heart start beating again if it suddenly stops.

Don’t see why they’re going so easy on these twats. Is any part of their business legitimate? Would be better to just outright ruin theses scalpers. I hope all scalpers get the fisting they deserve.

“Hello all my fans out there. I love you. You’re very special. Today I’m playing Minecraft and I’m building a wall...”

Understandable. There were some things in the remake I liked. I just could not jive with the visuals at all. I think the exact same story beats could have worked with a different visual style. I don’t like Burton’s remakes, (except Sleepy Hollow) I think he does better with more original material.

But what about my pizza charity!!!

Accuracy isn’t always the most important thing when adapting a work to a new medium. Peter Jackson made a lot of major changes to Lord of the Rings and the movies are a lot better than they would have been if it were 100% accurate to the books. A few key changes can make an adaption work. There are several important

The look of the remake turns me off way too much. The movie as a whole looks sick, diseased, poisoned and dying, heavily nauseated. I want to pour Pepto Bismol on the screen to help the poor fucker. The chocolate and candy looks gross. Everything looks dark, but also the characters look like they have bright light on

Question: How difficult is it to create my own charity? If hate groups like these can have one, I figure I can make one for people to donate to my pizza fund. No hate here, just pizza. Donate today!

I assume it’s a pot that holds honey. I watched Whinnie the Pooh as a kid.