
There are lots of anime worth watching besides stuff by Studio Ghibli.

This may be the first game I refund on Steam.

It looks fine. It’s fine. Who fucking cares?

I tried the tool and it just loads a blank page with a little “accessibility options” icon in the lower right side of the screen.

This song came up on the mix I was listening to this morning commute. Great song.

I have this keyboard and it’s great.

I have this keyboard and it’s great.

MIDA is love, MIDA is life. This list is 100% accurate.

So does this hold true for anime that’s adapted from manga or light novels?

You can craft beacons eventually. I’ve used them a couple times to mark places on a planet I want to revisit. But yeah, once you leave a system it can be challenging to remember which one you marked the loot in.

A lot of the blueprints and upgrades are now tied to the story missions you get when building a base. I’m not much into “crafting” games either, but it’s actually not that bad in NMS. Give it a try, you may find that doing the base missions helps you progress.

My guess is that some talented, enterprising fans will develop HL3, maybe based on the story outlined in the blog post. Valve’s lawyer’s get a whiff of the project, find that it might actually be good and decide to bring the fan developers into the Valve fold to finish the game...?

Someone found giant flying worms on a planet the other day. They posted the screen shots over in /r/NoMansSkyTheGame.

I remember reading somewhere that Sean Murray basically said they would leave the melee jump in the game. IIRC, this was around the time the Foundation update dropped.

The melee jump is actually much easier on PC (using a keyboard and mouse) than on PS4.

Not OP, but the new story seems to involve you finding another NPC “traveller”. I’m only a little ways into the new story though, so I’m not sure how it unfolds or if it’s directly related to the “Atlas path” story.

Survival mode is much more challenging than the normal mode. I’d suggest starting up a normal mode game to get a good feel for how everything works and then maybe revisit survival mode.

I’m losing more and more faith that Star Trek Discovery will be good the closer it gets to premiering.

You clearly don’t understand Quality of Service, which is fine.

No, QoS is a necessary part of modern network design. It’s used pretty much everywhere.

No it’s not. That’s called Quality of Service and allows stuff like voice packets to have priority over, say, standard web traffic, etc, because they’re time sensitive. Your call quality will suffer if packets are being delayed/dropped due to network congestion. QoS is used for a lot of other things too, this is just