John Bigbooté

With its busy design, the Civic Type R looks like an Autobot incompletely transformed into its car shape.

Well, Google maps just actually put a new spin on this event, but one time, while driving in Costa Rica, my gas light came on.

Does it not also seem likely that reducing the number of weapons in civilian hands might reduce the number of police-related deaths? I have spoken with some police I know here in Canada and asked them how they would feel if virtually every civilian around them could possibly armed. They all just whistle and say

My wife informs me emphatically that this is not the case.

I also wonder if marriage isn’t just becoming an outdated concept. It’s based on religious customs that don’t necessarily make the most sense these days. I’m not against marriage, mind you; if people want to make a gesture of commitment, that’s cool, but it shouldn’t be mandatory.

Yeah, the internet isn’t meant for city people!

As an adult, I still really want to live in that place.

Hey, here’s a neat bit of Canada’s Histoy of Racism. Have you ever heard or read the original French lyrics to our national anthem?

It’s just stupid that nerd circles weren’t open to girls. When I was a teenager, I met some adult geek women, who had married geeks of their own, and was legitimately shocked that ladynerds even existed! In my case, instead of asking her credentials, I took note that, if there was one geekette, there may be more! It

My guess is those younger guys are the product of the older nerds, either sons, or from the same comic shop, etc. I think at some point a chain of mysogyny and racism was created and there hasn’t been a big, visible move to eradicate the behaviour from geek culture.

Because, in the days gone by, when being a nerd was outright social death, most nerds were guys. Being non-jocks, and by social standards of the day, less than other men, we cloistered in our basements playing dungeons and dragons, confined by our ostracism. It would likewise have been social suicide for most girls to

Doing a cursory bit of reserach, I’ve turned up this article:

And she’s smoking hot, but he doesn’t have a single decent picture of her on his phone, only her eHarmony profile picture?

You’re dead to me, Tom.

Not snarky, but innocently ignorant.

That’s good to know. This is kind of a thing that bothers me; as a buyer who’s not big into cars, I feel most average car shoppers don’t know what services are available to them in this regard, and most people are not skilled negotiators, and it creates a tremendous imbalance in the terms of the deal.

Is there such a thing as a used car broker? Someone you can hire to do all the legwork and haggling to get you the car you want?

Is there such a thing as a used car broker? Someone you can hire to do all the legwork and haggling to get you the car you want?

For me, it was a nice, cheap alternative. You can buy old records for a buck apiece in record stores, or by the stack for 5.00 at yard sales on a ten-dollar record player.

Hey, that’s not fair! Many sedans come in an exciting array of colours, for example, ranging from black, charcoal, gunmetal, slate, storm grey, shale, silver, ash, mediocrity, graphite, fog, pewter, white.