I don’t know if this has been addressed already, but what’s to stop hackers from getting into the cyber-guts of their Tesla and removing the inhibiting software that limits their vehicle’s performance?
I don’t know if this has been addressed already, but what’s to stop hackers from getting into the cyber-guts of their Tesla and removing the inhibiting software that limits their vehicle’s performance?
The smoke comes from the black holes, duh! You never seen a picture of a black hole with all that smoke around it?
To be honest, I think you could have put a lot more effort into being condescending than you did and, frankly, I’m a little disappointed.
Well, it’s a slippery slope, as I understand it. You allow a guy to marry a dog, next thing you know gays will be allowed to marry, too.
Important, very pertinent question: are Bubba Burgers any good?
But the fleshless driver is accurate, right?
I work with some frequent travellers and one of them has the same name as a Hell’s Angel. He is typically stopped and has to say, “no, I’m the good Jeff.”
SSSS also happens to a great number of “non-ethnic” passengers, as well. Also, strip searches are not involved. Unless you ask nicely.
MMORPG players are not permitted to have social lives!
It’s basically a giant stormtrooper helmet.
I think you mean orc chops.
Sort of shoveled back into the wild, really.
Back in 2004, I rented a 2004 Grand Prix for a 9-hour ride up north to my hometown. About a quarter of the way there, I hit some black ice, overcompensated, found myself in the wrong lane facing an oncoming 18-wheeler, hyperovercompensated to get out of its way and ended up upside down facing the wrong direction in…
Then all the turtles will become gay and we’ll get no more baby turtles and it’s an environmental collapse!
Easy now! You’ve given me an erection with all that erotic talk.
Ooh! Tell me more about the bezels.
You clearly don’t has a university education.