Mel Clark's Heaters

Two things:

Almost scared to ask, but my curiosity is too strong - What is a steak wrap?

Madison Bumgarner (the girl he hooked up with)

I know, so how about Willie Mays?


Barry Bonds

+1 Blast from the past here.

Dammit, as someone raised in the Manatee/Sarasota area this is stunningly accurate.

+1 huge mess left at the ice cream bar

+1 meal of gruel

Uh what the fucking fuck?!?!?! Who does that one (don’t answer, I know), and why in the hell would you ever, ever, EVER brag about it?

+1 layoff

Go Utes - Class of ‘13

Dying at my desk man. So good.

Love the screen name!

+1 Robot


the second you cut up and mix into canned chili.*

This should have a nightmare fuel tag.

And this is why I scroll down so far!