To be sure she is not eligible for the presidency per the Constitution. Maybe that will be a plot point? Otherwise it would be so easy to write around ("my parents were refugees").
To be sure she is not eligible for the presidency per the Constitution. Maybe that will be a plot point? Otherwise it would be so easy to write around ("my parents were refugees").
Poor Nacho. I get the feeling he never really wanted to get into the world of crime, but he made the mistake of looking for a quick buck and not realizing he'd get stuck there.
Nacho really ought to be working for Fring; they'd get along. They both seem to understand that you can get a lot done by building trust rather than instilling fear.
Mike leaves the money to the granddaughter because she's already part of the world of crime. Remember when they were making the tire spikes together? Little girl's a criminal mastermind already, shaking down her classmates for pudding and kidnapping their dolls for ransom.
Or even, "we already know Chuck doesn't want me around; there's nothing I can do to make Chuck feel better, short of jumping off a bridge. And sorry, but no."
Here ya go! A Russian cat, of course …
May I share a guilty pleasure with you? There are videos of sovereign citizens trying their shtick with the authorities and getting completely pwned. In non-lethal ways as it works out; ultimately sovereign citizens are proof of white privilege. Still, everyone enjoys watching an a-hole get theirs, and sovereign…
Where to begin. First paragraph: you're conflating Obama and Bill Clinton. Also, if you're going to talk about Democrats, you might want to talk about McGovern, Mondale, and Dukakis — archetypal Democrats all, but they had the misfortune of losing, which tells you something about the country and what sort of person…
I agree with much of your last paragraph; the young in particular have decided that big business is the enemy rather than a force that can be beneficial if regulated. 75000 years ago they would have been declaring fire evil too.
Elected officials have confessed that to you?
Water balloons full of gasoline.
To be sure, Democrats are likely to consider the impact on business when they cast their votes. And they will also be aware that their votes may impact donations in coming elections.
As Wonderella once tweeted: "BREAKING NEWS: Joker's Real Name Revealed to Be Martha, Batman Instantly Surrenders"
Put Democrats in power and they try to expand health care, fight global warming, and raise taxes on the wealthy.
There's a reason I keep hammering on the importance of voting in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION: we can't count on the Republicans to rein their own in, and unless WE fire them, they won't be fired.
I have resolved that I will take your counsel: repair my ship first — and repair it right, no half-measures — and after that, I will consider being generous.
VOTERS did it. More specifically, the non-voters.
I am genuinely impressed with anyone who keeps themselves in fine-tuned condition. Would high-five you, but that would require you to move an arm so maybe in a couple days.
The Democratic Party is chock full of opposing opinions, so I don't know that it's always as simple as, a party has a very rigid set of opinions.
Glad you're okay!