King Beauregard

White guy to white guy … I figure it's generally a straightforward matter: be polite and genuinely respectful of the people around you, which means, among other things, to listen to what they say and take their opinions with as much weight as you would people in a predominantly white office. There are more tips to be

You make good sense, you might even help me make the right decision here. QKB's sister has no skills, probably graduated high school, and really has no prospects. They're all boned. No savings, no nothing. And I'd be happier to leave them to their fate except that there are kids involved, and a lot of them at that.

You are still so right.

You are so right.

Generally just gritting my teeth, and being clever. (Sadly, I'm not all that clever.) I probably am enabling sometimes, but what can you do, especially when there are children involved? I'm terrible at following my own advice.

Don't do it! You'd get caught in an endless recursion, having to reward yourself with a new car for each new car you buy.

Sounds like you've found an excellent approach! The people I'm dealing with are so chronically impoverished that at most I can keep things from blowing up.

Oh. for me it's kind of a comfortable obligation, maybe it's a hunter/gatherer thing.

What do you hate about grocery shopping? Do people keep bugging you? Is it the lines? Do you feel like you're trying to drive a car through Calcutta and there's nothing but cows wandering the roads?

Not all prayer is insincere, but surely you have seen people opt to pray rather than take tangible action (because tangible action is hard). This country is chock-full of religious hypocrites.

High fives, and an affirmation that you're not refusing to be helpful, but rather refusing to be helpful in ways that put you at unacceptable risk.

Too often, prayers are a way to pat one's self on the back for having actually done nothing at all. It's like starting a twitter hash tag.

Too often, prayers are a way to pat one's self on the back for having actually done nothing at all. It's like starting a twitter hash tag.

Glad to hear it! Keep your own ship afloat; a captain without a boat can't help anyone.

One of the things I've struggled with is, how do you best help people who have money problems, when you aren't independently wealthy yourself? After too many years of too many mistakes, I have boiled it down to two rules:

Aww, thanks!

Very glad life is giving you your due!