King Beauregard

I like to think that Kim is still very ethics-minded. It's her commitment to Jimmy that will pull her down.

In the comics, telepathy is his signature power (even moreso than the shape-changing, super-strength, indestructibility, intangibility, invisibility, and Martian vision), so I feel like they couldn't shed the telepathy. What they should have done is try to come up with a good reason the telepathy can't be used: in

Yes. Jimmy was by no means a lost cause, but as so many have noted, Chuck is pushing him towards becoming one.

Too much electricity? It didn't go at all well the first time.

I've said before that Chuck's "disease" is the psychosomatic resolution to his dilemma: he loves practicing the law and believes it's a sacred trust exactly as he says, but he also knows at some level that he's not worthy of it. By rendering himself too sick to practice law (for the most part), he subconsciously

Right right, Ilana Wexler as your lawyer, got it.

I doubt Howard would go for it either. After Davis-whatever and this 1216 business, Howard knows that Jimmy is capable of behavior that would reflect very very badly on HHM.

Here's an odd possibility. Suppose Hamlin, Hamlin, & McGill want to quietly phase Chuck out, and the quietest way to do it is to replace him with another McGill? It won't happen, but just imagine.

Whose brain do we want Liv to eat?

I might have seen Jimmy as just as bad as Chuck (or nearly as bad), except that there was the small matter of jeopardizing Kim's reputation. The point at which Chuck was willing to put her at risk, whatever other motivations are at play, it became about protecting someone from becoming collateral damage in this feud.

More like Captain Queef, amirite?

So, is Huell Babineaux the oversized brother of the very fit Clive Babineaux on "iZombie"? Fan fictionnnnnn … begin!

The dangling red "Exit" sign at the end was overkill, but I loved it. Sometimes there's a character you despise so much, you hope a rhino will just walk on stage and take a dump on them. Why's a rhino there? Doesn't even matter.

I get that she wasn't actively trying to make the kid feel like a suspect, but how could the kid come to any other conclusion? Stark interrogation room, sitting across the table from him, not even a coloring book and some crayons … Alex really is the worst.

The telepathy is sort of a problem, and it would be simpler if J'onn in the comics weren't a telepath, so they wouldn't need to make him one on the show. I don't object to a plausible reason for not using it, but last week they didn't even bother to give a reason.

I love Kara, but this show makes me angry sometimes, and that's new. To wit:

Yes — though Democrats behave more like betrayed lovers.

I approve! The one thing I would caution is that decades of Programming 101 pretty strongly suggest that some people's heads are wired for programming and other people's aren't. There is no glory or shame to be in one category or the other; I would hate for people to think they're dumb just because they don't get

Ewwww, Python? I have a real problem with languages that use white space to denote nesting.

I thought there was a bacon tree in my back yard. Then it attacked me and I realized it was a hambush.