
harvey must have thought something was special about her and she must be really good at whatever that is....

Kind of makes me feel like a shitty for knowing all the shit he got for pot because it’s possible he actually needed it.

Ah that makes sense now because I’ve seen that mentioned NOWHERE and I think we all know who is responsible for that.

Wasn’t Ashley Judd abused by a family friend of Naomi as well? I feel like I read that somewhere.

Most of this is victoria secret telling everyone how famous their models are which come off as really thirsty. The ppl in the audience, ick... most of those dudes look like they are waiting for their next clients in Dubai.

and this woman is a child advocate!!!!!! i feel like calling her employer

the number of ppl that are responding to this tweet as a positive thing makes me want to throw up. Seriously f this school.

MN is such a strange place. There is mpls where we vote for ppl like keith ellison then there is the rest of the state where you get ppl who vote for michele bachman, these racists are her ppl.

I think we are all being conned by both sides sadly. Obama said he was going to do some things like closing Guantanamo Bay and I believe it’s still open. Also WTF is going on with him not speaking up abt the Dakota Access Pipeline?

sorry holidays.. i had to vent the whole thing is a shit show

Chanhassen is not a big town and the CVS/Walgreens workers where he was picking up frequent prescriptions have been radio silent on this one and his physician left town. This whole thing seems super strange just like the purple one himself. Maybe the Cohen Bros. can make a movie about this too.

My mother who like my father voted for trump has been so passive aggressive about me not getting married and would probably like for me to pull a stunt like this instead of never getting married. Sigh

nope this was the result of hillary ignoring the middle of the country and sending out people like katy perry to speak for her,


I can’t stand thhis POS but our media sucks in this country, they put him where he now they can deal with it. These people don’t care about the news they care about ratings.

what’s the deal with estee lauder?

i suspected that, each time he was on camera he had similar actions as my own autistic brother

Can we please stop listening or caring what celebrities have to say but especially about politics? I give zero fucks and if anything these people hurt hilary even more.

nah. i have relatives who live in rural areas and it seems there was no thought or plan to reach out to these ppl. The DFL has all but lost a old stronghold they had with farmers/blue collar people as well. I voted for hillary and i’m a democrat but can we please stop recruiting all this stupid celebrity support? I

miserable ppl want other ppl to be miserable as well