
Who is Mike and why did you drop him? What did he ever to do you?

The Popemobile, one would think that adding a glass box onto the back of a Mercedes SUV would be utterly nonsensical, but look at how convenient it is to display your collection of wild Popes.

How much snow is 2.5%?
How do you convert % to inches?

Predicted my ass. He followed the flow of the traffic and rationalized his actions after the fact, stroking his ego.

Editors. It's what makes a blogger a journalist.

Love. It's what makes a Subary a Subary.

Such a hipster

Once you got that, you don't go back. That thing is as addictive as heroin, even better than heated seats.

Cruise control.

Northern U.S. resident here to say - heated leather. Once you experience warm butt, you never go back.

There are no atheists with two day hangovers.

I think the canopy you linked is actually just a sidewall for another model...

A working Porsche that's not a four-pot in the front kind a car for twelve large is almost a slam dunk these days. It was neck and neck for a while over yesterday's 1982 911, owing mostly to the ad that seemed to have been written by the seller using his feet and blind luck, but in the end 60% of you felt it worth its

They're like me, they're too lazy to do it.

I think it's pretty obvious she's only saying this stuff to drum up demand for her book. I mean, I hadn't heard of the book before I heard this.

Oh no, a woman wrote that a man said something mildly inappropriate 4 years ago without any evidence. Whatever shall we do?

that's what Buyten said last year, not Renner regarding jumps over 35 feet.

Aww. look at the puppy.

In the circles I run in, that logo is referred to as the "cowboy hat".

Back in the day this was the best car to drive in midtown madness 2 :D