
You’re missing the bigger crime.

Ok. I hope I can put this to bed right here and now.....

It’s really a mystery, I guess we will never know. Oh, wait, could it be because of the way our police officers are being maligned and treated like they are Nazis by leftist idiots, and murdered by paranoid nutjobs?

More of a Winnebago Man myself.

Maybe it’s the successor to Spoiled Rotten I?

No RS should have three pedals.

I think he is talking about the sub humans in Chicago that yanked some dude out of his car and beat him because they thought he voted for Trump you can look it up.

It’s because, rich or poor, lots of people just don’t like the Clintons, especially Hillary. This isn’t some kind of new development and it’s exactly why I didn’t vote for her in the primaries. Nominating someone who is already unpopular was a really bad choice.

Hillary was a terrible choice, and they were warned over and over again. Now there isn’t enough decency in the Clintoncrats to face the fact that they were wrong.

There is only one person to blame to Donald Trump’s victory and that is Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s fans (not supporters, but irrational fans) are really scary atm.

As terrible as Trump is or potentially will be, I still cannot see him being worse then Andrew Jackson.

I had hoped to have at least one place I could go to and escape from endless debates, finger-pointing, and rhetoric over the next few weeks and months. A place where I could just engage in my hobby, and only see election or political stories if they actually affected video games. Maybe someone would make a good game

Thanks, Trump? Do you actually hear yourself? If Queen Hillary had been elected and her HOUSE had been in Manhattan, the EXACT SAME THING would have happened. Grow up

Regular airplanes use this airspace too. Planes arriving from west of the Hudson River may have to adjust their flight plans.

He’s missing a space blanket and asprin. In 2015 a three person group hiked up Baxter mountain ( 800 ft height gain, 1.1 miles to top) and one of them had a heart attack. None of them had any equipment... but they ran into a retired Adirondak park ranger - the legendary Pete Fish - who had both.

Honest question: people here lambasted Trump supporters who said they would not accept the results if Clinton won, that she’s never be their president, etc. How is it okay to say that about Trump? I have not heard any allegations about rigging, fraud, or other hijinks going on to push a Trump victory. I mean, as much

You seriously couldn’t leave political commentary out of an article about pets in anime??

Why didn’t Obama lose bc of Cynthia McKinney? maybe Gore and Clinton really are bad candidates...both couldn’t capitalize on the popularity and ethusiasm for their democratic predecessor