wam bam

I am white and live @ 8 mile and John R.  I have been pulled over multiple times on 8 mile to and from work and can verify firsthand FoF’s comment above.  Black person pulled over?  3 cop cars, a drug dog, and the suspect in cuffs.  When I get pulled over?  Typically a stern warning and a “have a nice day sir!”

Honestly? What respect do they owe an internet media landscape where minor racism from “respectable” sources is the norm and not the exception? Being a good little Uncle Tom hasn’t gotten black people anywhere for the entirety of American history. Now that they decide what’s good for the goose..., y’all want to get up

I am white and I live in Hazel Park. The bridge over Woodward Avenue is a notorious speed trap. I’ve been pulled over in that spot numerous times. Anecdotal? Yes. But true nonetheless.

I find The Root’s opinions on Respectability Politics discourse as opposed to their opinions on Critical Race Theory discourse very interesting. When it comes to academic study and emerging social theories, do we believe one over another because of it’s scholarly merits or because it reinforces our preconceived biases?

I bet you make a lot more money than I do, Emily.  By your reasoning this means you are, in fact, a pedophile who is trying to oppress me.  

Black celebrities should follow Kaepernick’s lead and go on a mass strike until police reform legislation passes. If our conscience is incapable of enacting equality and change perhaps the billions of dollars these celebrities generate effectively pissed down the toilet will do it?

Why is it that progressives are incapable of accepting even the most minor of criticisms without resorting to name calling and censorship?

Take all of the Confederate statues and place them in one museum in Florida.  When the redneck POS racist losers show up, pump in a little sarin gas. 

I’m pretty sure insomnia is caused by white people touching your hair.

Throwing a quinoa salad at me because I pointed out the plain-as-day hypocrisy of you insulting a woman’s looks instead of criticizing her actions is the most “woke SJW libtard keyboard warrior” shit I have ever heard.

Experience has taught me that the vast majority of people on The Root looking to poke holes in their articles are doing so not from any sense of moral obligation but from a place of racism themselves. If you are the almost non-existent exception to that rule then I apologize for my assumption.

You’re not insulting this woman because of her makeup or plastic surgery. She sounds like a thoroughly despicable racist woman. There’s enough to criticize her for without resorting to petty personal attacks. You’re stooping to her level. Don’t you want to be better than that?  Sure, it’s a minor complaint on my part,

Saying many white people are racist is not denigrating an entire race of people because of your belief that your own race is superior, so no, your argument right off the bat is objectively false.

Are you at least partially aware of the irony of poking fun at racists for physical attributes outside their control?

what have you got against your camera’s flash?

The legislature is immoral to it’s core.

The Oscars were a flop because your average American is sick and tired of being preached at by out-of-touch celebrity millionaires. Quit trying to control the narrative. It’s painfully obvious when you do.

“Your a retard”

Let’s get real here for a second. Every single American has certain political leanings. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 25 years you have an opinion on police brutality. Can we just stop with this bullshit? Anyone with a single brain cell in their head knows that the defense in cases like these

So if the vast majority of these companies all agree that Trump used their platforms in order to incite violence and an insurrection against the US why isn’t he being held criminally responsible? I mean, these platforms LOVE Trump. He drives eyeballs to their services. They wouldn’t make these decisions without being