
As a teen I went and saw Jurassic Park 3 with some friends one night. About halfway through, the cast come across a “spooky, misty” walkway inside a giant birdcage. Immediately, I saw it for cheap, obvious reveal of danger that it was. So I waited a bit, took a slow, calm sip of my drink, slowly put it back in its cup

That header picture looks like she knew she didn't fool Penn and Teller

I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about. I lay my eggs and bask on my sun rock just like any normal American person, how dare you make such brash accusations.

Which is exactly the thing a lizard person who built the pyramids and lives at the center of the Earth would say!

I hate to break it to you, but the Egyptians built their own pyramids and there are almost certainly not any lizard people in the center of the earth.

What kills me is that at the time the special was released, I was living 10 miles from Burkittsville, had obviously never heard a word of this supposed local legend, and still bought it, because in my 14 year old mind I couldn’t fathom that the Sci Fi channel would lie to me about it. I remember after it ended wonderin

Avatar: The Last Airbender aired when I was in high school/college and I didn’t watch it until well into adulthood, but man I wish I had grown up with it. It takes the stuff I would have found cool as a kid, like special powers and cool martial arts moves and a grand quest to save the world, and sneaks in stuff my

“Zendaya’s Rue told the tale of a classmate who is a master of erotic fanfic”

And she’s scarce above the gunwales /


Aw, I like A Bug's Life (please don't send me back to the grays)

something’s missing in these jj storyboards . . . .

Now playing

This scene has not one, but two, of the greatest one-off characters of all time:

Too many good ones to pick just one, but I have to think the proprietor of the sex farm for sex hookers is up there.

My favorite had no lines at all, but he was so famous, they put him on the National Flag of a certain little Oceanic country named for the hit HBO show from the late 90s/early 2000s. No, I’m not talking about the Solomon Islands!

My guy is the Boot, from Australia

They did a really good job of using super powers as a metaphor for dealing with abuse and trauma.

Also Matt could still be Jessica’s lawyer!

Agatha Christie saved lives. . . .

Shore Leave and Ray Gillette are my two favorite gay badasses on TV.