
Oh fuck off.

Agreed, two of the examples used of his power were of guys who are well past their prime as far as chins go, arlovski and overeem, and bojan has been ko’d his last three. I’m not saying he’s not a absolute force but now he’s fighting the champ and things change when you fight the champ.

Darwin is pure gold, there’s a supercut of all his recent footage and my god is he great. And Rodney’s 360 degree video for some fashion mag a couple of years ago was fun.

Absolutely. I heard on the radio today that somewhere in New Orleans there were victory fireworks going off before the game was over.

Happened to me in high school, first hand I had no idea what is was supposed to feel like and the girl had a ring that spun, shredded my dick, blood and band aids for weeks.

There has been so many articles about rian explaining plot holes in this movie that seems like it’s not a good movie.

Then strengthen your hand. Jesus.

I’ve noticed this site is about 14% hacks, which is a term I hate, and 73% how to do stuff in life.

You are doing nothing wrong good sir.

Oh man, I once sat behind two SUVs loaded with small children getting dropped off in a retail area, I sat behind them for 15 minutes unable to move because there was kids and purses and strollers and baby bags, those are the type of people who will use this system as well. It won’t be pretty.

I like and appreciate this new batch of cars but that ‘98-’04 was my wheelhouse of badass!

I have a slightly different situation, I got my truck from a dealership that my sister and brother in law co-own so it’s helping out family.

The raptors fucking killed them the other night, they will be terrifying for no one in the playoffs.

Nope, that woulda been a Canadian in the stands getting that there medal. Being so close to the border I’m sure that it was 88% Canadians tonight.

They are watching a heist that was supposed to get them a lot of money but the guy on the right double crossed, stone cold killer that guy is.

Yeah the second time I watched it the emotions hit so much harder.

It lost all emotion with me because I could give two fucks about that character, a grade A bitch and then I’m supposed to have feelings when she dies, fuck her.

Re-play truther here, how about the two hand shove to the back that creates the opportunity for Chandler to go up and get that?

You sound like an asshole.