
And I used to like him so much, only wore KD’s to play basketball, wore KD tshirts and now he’s this fucking guy. What an asshole.

Maria is a god damn comedic luminary...not sure if I used that word correctly.

Huge fan of standup comedy on road trips, ari shaffir, Hannibal buress, Kyle kinane, big jay, etc. But I find myself listening to more comedians podcasts then stand up albums, the laughable app is perfect for comedy podcasts and Apple Music is the best for full stand up albums because everyone puts there special on

When I was 10/11ish and flying what was Canada Air back in 1992/93 I remember that I got a strawberry that felt like it was the size of an apple and still to this day it’s on of my earliest food memories.

Chili Klaus is mildy a big deal hear as well!

Of the highest order!!!

My man chili klaus is going to be on hot ones next Thursday for the most intense hot ones yet!

I try it all the time. Probably once a year and never get raw ones, just California rolls and still don’t like them.

Always, I will always taste the onions. “But I diced them small so you won’t even notice they’re there” or “ I cut them in chunks so they’re easy to pick out”

My son is 6 and now if he doesn’t like supper he’ll just get up and make his own food, and how do you stop him? He’s being assertive and resourceful while also changing a bad situation and making it good, all things we’re teaching him to do.

So brave!!! Wanky hand

Man I wish I could tell people I’m allergic to sushi. Every fucking week someone’s like “lets go to sushi for lunch” I say no, they ask why, I say I don’t like it and then that situation happens, can’t people just let me not like sushi?

Or when the next Indy 500 car meeting is on tv or the next UFC venture.

Fucking brutal. Just hold it and take the free throws bojan!

Fuck the NFL.

Depends if you want to watch a shitty movie or not?

But then he was a whiney man bitch about the whole thing, fuck.

Oh man didn’t I just not like it for many reasons you mentioned plus the shitty comedy, whoever wrote that crome dome line for Finn probably also has writing credits for Disney movies involving skateboarding apes or a group of dogs that go to space.

He one. Just an old wrinkly guy.