
The license plate is 6inches by 12 inches. You can use that as a way to get dimensions.

Standard license plate size is 6 inches by 12 inches. Can we use that to estimate rear window dimensions, tailight size, rear door size, rear axle width or other dimensions to ID it?

The FBI’s focus was the potential exposure of classified material by the use of a personal email server. They could give a shit less about ‘pay for play’ access. The Clinton Foundation was not on their radar.

So only Russian’s can type Cyrillic? Действителъно?

The DNC should have just crowned the HRC back in January and saved the money. As for the RNC, they should have just run for a cliff like lemmings on a migration. Can we get any shittier candidates? The odds of getting a sensible Congress that can work together is slim to none, so whether its the corrupt liar for

Yeah, but its entertaining, like Hulk Hogan videos.

I guess Hulk Hogan suddenly gave Gawker a sense of ethical decency.

Exactly right. The National Socialist Party (NAZI) was considered rather liberal in its time, going against the conservative business interest by nationalizing businesses. It was, as you state, not drawn up on liberal vs conservative lines. People should read history and understand the background.

Hitler was jailed for is part in an attempted coup, serving his time with Rudolph Hess, to whom he dictated Mein Kampf.