Kevin Street

Put a little peroxide in her ear and it would come right out on its own.

I'm sure he did. And the hotel in Australia is probably very mad at Garvy Sr. for setting a fire in his hotel room.

My theory is that what happens after you go into the well is still totally unknown. All we know now that we didn't know before is that dead people can exist for a while in a semi-real littoral space, reliving past traumas and acting out pointless melodramas that seem to exist only to give them a reason to deny the

I don't think any of those choices were real. Kevin's real job was to finish off Patti in the well, the international assassin stuff was just a distraction. Most of the people who visit that hotel seem to get distracted by false dramas.

^ This.

Yeah, she was remembering the last time she had a chance to escape, but didn't do it. Cutting her own throat didn't free her from anything, apparently. But drowning in this well is the ultimate escape.

Also, Scully's Mom was an organ donor and she REALLY didn't want to think about what was happening to the body at that moment. Escape was the only option.

Nah, Mulder is always going to be compelled to find out if his beliefs are true. Modern audiences want someone who will confirm what they already believe, not someone who is willing to believe anything until he's proven wrong. That's too much thinking.

Excellent spotting.

Yeah, the dark humor in Breaking Bad definitely felt like X-Files at times.

Ah well, it's not like he was coming back for it.

I think Guy has been around for awhile. Ten thousand year hibernations imply a long lifespan, so he's probably had time to read books in abandoned cabins and whatnot.

Some things just have to be true, even if they aren't.

I think he already knew English, along with things like Hamlet. Guy may not be a human, but he's had a look at some of our books.

I don't think it's an apocalypse. It's Ruby releasing all the demons from hell and using them to conquer the world. Going back to the way things were after she wrote the book, thousands of years ago.

It did make me wonder what physically happened after Ash took the postcard. Did Ruby and the book just vanish, and the three of them went back to wherever the trailer was parked? The tape on Ash's face implies that some time passed between scenes.

I know what you mean!

I like the possession idea. Maybe Ruby traveled the world trying to find out what happened to her father and got taken by the Dark One in some ancient ruin. That way there might be a chance she could be de-possessed in the future and join the Ghost Beaters.

Wow. I really did want Heather to survive, and after what happened to her I kind of lost interest in the rest of the episode. Sure, take the postcard, whatever.

I think it's more like she can't really trust anyone, so if she can trust *this* guy then maybe anything is possible. She's facing her fear in a very direct way.