Kevin Street

Their minds are as mutated as the rest of them. The pilot wanted to do the right thing and let the doctors try to fix him, but the hunger got so bad it shut off his capacity for rational thought. Rockstar and the guy at home have both tasted blood, which probably accelerates things. Don't know about the lawyer.

It's hard to say, they're playing it really close to the vest with Ethan. Sometimes he seems like a normal boy, and sometimes he seems really creepy.

I get the feeling there's a lot of weird stuff happening in the world now, but it's so low key and nonsensical most people just haven't noticed. Like the Disappearance broke something, and reality is slowly coming unraveled.

I think the APB ended when they found the truck in the Chief's driveway. He's using it now, since the other guy never came back. It's just another step on his road to transformation, like how he took over his father's job and house.

The town reporter and a mysterious loner no one has seen in twenty-five years say he's guilty! What more proof do you need.

"Molly keeps brushing off her medical exam like it's going to disappear on its own, and we don't see much that indicates she cares or wants to do some about it. where's her agency to act or worry?"

None of this makes any sense to me. Like, at all.

Would that be "Super-Toys Last All Summer Long" by Brian Aldiss?

John is nuts. I don't think he's really thought through the implications of his "Humaniks" at all. In the first episode he laughs off the idea of a robot revolution like it's a crazy conspiracy theory, but he doesn't seem to realize that he's creating a new form of life that can continue to improve itself, on and on

It didn't seem to realize that men don't work that way.

Y'know it was eating ice cream in the last episode. That has to go somewhere…

If you think about it, the assistant had a lot more to do with Ethan's creation than Molly did. Some of Ethan's machinery may have been designed by her, which makes her his mother about as much as John is his father. Molly is like the stepmom.

That would explain why he's so freaked out and crazy now.

Yes, exactly! This is the main point of the episode, and Matthew's character. He hurts other people, and himself, because he never acknowledges his own flaws, and thus cannot move past them. He can't let go of anything.

I think the moral of the story is that sometimes you have to let things go. Matthew's real tragic flaw is that he holds on to everything (the church, his wife, his hatred for Judge Roy Hader) long past the point of reason. The things he sees as suffering in this episode (a dude stealing his money, the rock to the head

You are thinking about it just the right amount.