Kevin John

The fighters in Star Wars were, in many ways, modeled after the fighters of World War II; not so much in the way they looked, but definitely in their maneuvering and behavior. In that sense, and as anyone who played X-wing will tell you, the TIE fighters strength isn't specifically in numbers, it was in the fact that

You're kidding right? Give me time series data of 3 axis accelerometer reading and I can count the reps with Excel, or a simple Python script. Do you even understand what I mean when I say analyzing data?

I can only assume you are deliberately refusing to understand my point, so this will be my last post. If you chose to be ignorant, I can't force you to understand.

When you are working out, the ends of your extremities move the furthest, this makes them the optimal place to put sensors; because they record to most

You obviously do not understand the point I am making. Perhaps it's the language barrier. You don't need different sensors to be able to do the data analysis and determine which exercises were being done; you only need different sensor placement to make these determinations. You could make the same measurements with

The band doesn't do the analysis, it just takes the data. Are you really going to wear your phone on your wrist so you can get the same accelerometer data as these devices and do that kind of analysis? I don't think so.

As I said elsewhere in this post: At least one advantage to putting the sensor on your wrist as opposed to on your hip; is that you can analyze the sensor data to figure out which exercises you were doing at the time. The profile of crunches looks very different from the profile of free-weights. With the right

Yeah, for that matter, I don't even need a phone; I can check my heart-rate with two fingers and a stopwatch. The point is that these devices give you very useful time series data that you can't get from a phone; if you want to track your heart-rate over an entire workout, there isn't an App for that.

I've played with the fit bit a little, and there actually is a considerable advantage to having all those sensors in a form factor that fits on your wrist: You can use it to figure out what kind of excising you are doing by analyzing the sensor data. You can go to the gym, bust your workout with your sensors attached,

Are you seriously going to hold your finger over the camera of your phone throughout your entire workout? Come on, be serious.

Are you telling me China has developed access to Gizmodo? Hey man, problem solved; they will never understand technology after reading this site (ZING!)

Ha! Stupid China, it's never gonna fly without the rotors. I guess our secrets are safe for another day.

The little cleaning one is, the larger one runs off diesel

Google can't put their foot down; because the central premise of android is that it comes free to handset manufacturers with no strings attached. They can implement it any way they see fit, without having to ask Google for permission. I suppose manufacturers could try to make a stand against carriers installing their

Far and away, the best tech support I have ever had was from; a Northern California ISP. Maybe it was just because I dealt with them after switching from the unfettered incompetence of AT&T; but if was the first time that (while setting up a new service) I wasn't required to step through the standard script

Anybody else think this guy looks kinda like Dude Asajj Ventress?

Yeah, I thought the same thing. First of all, you don't hear any wind. Second, if we assume the drone is at a height of at least 370 m (it seems like it's about at the half way point) the sound should take ~ 1 second to get to the drone from the time ignition starts; it seems like it's only about half that time.

This video looks fake to me; and that's not me suggesting that it is fake, it's just so awesome that my brain refuses to believe it. Not only is the grasshopper awesome, the cinematography from the hexacopter is awesome in it's own right.

Thought the same thing; unless they put some kind of transportation system in there. That would be pretty sweet; maybe like a clockwise and counterclockwise set of min-monorails?

Did anyone else read that title and think that it meant we would get to see/hear Kayne West as an egotistical narcissistic child with an undeserved sense of accomplishment? (8-year old Kayne west song).

Yeah, you know what's going to happen right? Two articles are going to get published if this experiment gets funded and executed; one in a reputable scientific journal, and one in a less reputable cryptozoological/paranormal journal:

Journal 1: Study finds no evidence of Bigfoot
Journal 2: Study finds Bigfoot scared of