
They allow edits, but once someone likes your comment you are locked in.

he kept a list of overweight actresses on his phone to prove that women aren’t inhibited by portrayals in the media when it comes to health and fitness

Terry Crews

I did not expect the trailer to be this much of a blast and I really now want to see the movie. It feels like they completely get what kind of a film this is and are going to have as much fun as possible with it.

I don’t know, that list just cements Toronto’s superiority in this category. But then, I spent the early-to-mid ‘00s listening to a lot of Canadian indie, and no American indie so that was going to be the case regardless.

“ Eastern seaboard city’s indie rock scene. (Mine was Baltimore, not Toronto, so the music was better.”

I think all that is much less of a headache than what usually kills backwards compatibility which is getting new hardware to be able to run old games.

Andrea, who is already permanently banned from GDQ for wearing a MAGA hat during a previous GDQ and never apologized. Andrea, who has called her viewers f****ts and used the n-word on Twitter. Andrea, who has a serious history of stirring shit up for the sake of it. Hard for me to blame GDQ for not immediately

Apparently I believe many things. Sheesh, overuse much. 

And they can keep going.  As a person, I am not a fan of Tom Cruise.  But the Mission Impossible movies just seem to get better and better each time.

How are you not “trusting anything until it’s confirmed” but are convinced the problem was him “running away FROM A SHOOTING SCENE” with his gun drawn? (And since he was not a security guard or police officer, WTF do you expect him to do?) Shut the entire hell up.

ETA: Also, WTF do Alabama cops expect in a SYG and open

Then what’s the point?

And the point of cooked romaine is....?

Okay. But *I* have friends who work *here* in Pittsburgh and *we* would welcome any production that wanted to move. And I’m sure there are plenty of other smaller markets with local talent just like the 'burgh *eager* for a chance to work.

Take your pathetic incel bullshit elsewhere.

Get help.

Cry about it.

No one else gets a break from the damage caused by male privilege so why should you get a break from us pointing out who is responsible for that damage?

The bunny gets the pancake.

ugh John Lasseter