
Please, oh wise sage, spout more great internal wisdom that isn’t blatantly fucking obvious to absolutely everyone. The well is nearly dry.

What the fuck are you talking about?

We didn’t get as much Peter/Sam personal involvement, but at least we got the uncommented-upon moment of Peter deciding to tell the Turd Burglar that he knows his identity before going to the cops, getting a cool moment for his documentary and also giving the culprit time to release his files and fuck up four peoples’

But it has the debilitating side effect of making people on it never fucking shut up about the keto diet.

I would argue that 2 1/2 seasons is slightly more than a few episodes. 

Honestly, no—it was really weirdly written, and came without any kind of formal press release or statement. I wondered for a while if it was a negotiating tactic, but only because it never said “Hello, everyone, I am departing Shameless after the upcoming ninth season.” I agree you don’t need to read through the lines

Just curious:

This just in: different people like different things! 

If they had simply come out with the “We understand the feeling, but we are making a game with the intent of containing the worst kinds of people” explanation, it would still be kinda gross but more understandable.

You realize his wife's family is the fucking Hearsts right? No way their law firm risks pissing them off.

As fucked up as it is, I understand Louis CK/Woody Allen/Roman Polanski defenders. They are/were hugely influential giants in their given mediums and are responsible for legendary works. I can only imagine what it was like for a generation seeing Annie Hall in theaters and saying “where has this been my entire life

If they are as close as Wheaton says, then I believe Wil probably had far more insight into Dykstra and Hardwick’s relationship. If it ever were to go to court, I bet Wheaton would be called to testify, and not having any statement already on social media is probably a good start.  

I’m no Hardwick fan or anything, but I can kind of understand why Wheaton might find it a bit hard to instantly believe the worst of a close friend and publicly denounce and sever ties with them simply because a whole bunch of internet strangers are yelling at him to do so. Which is not to say that I believe Hardwick

You mean the investigation performed by the legal firm that represents his wife’s family? Oh yeah, that’s real impartial.

Yes, AMC “investigations” of “will we lose more money to keep Hardwick or to get rid of him” 

You mean like when they say it in the trailers or write it on the screen half a dozen times?

I think this was the best lawsplainer...

Eat the rich.

Loki and Kat Dennings are definitely the three high points of the movie.

Spotify’s statement was the following: