
The Strom Thurmonds of the world absolutely. The not in my neighborhood, why does my kid’s school have to bus those kids in, “aren’t they the ones selling all the drugs” types haven’t gone anywhere though.

Holy shit

Criticizing her show is not bullying. And my comment was not to imply that it’s okay to bully, but that since she is showing her ass now, perhaps what she is claiming as “bullying” was people treating an entitled asshole like an asshole. You can be bullied for being fat and also get told to fuck off for being


????? They’re called “television critics.” It’s kind of their job. I have no idea what your fucking point is.


The point of the whole feminism thing is equality, and equality means that not all women are “good”. If you’re a shitty writer, showrunner, whatever, you get called out for that, no matter your gender. Especially if your work actively harms the causes you claim to support.

TV critics criticized her TV show. They did their job. She fired back at the critics.

I liked the Dexter finale—(SPOILER!!!) Lithgow kills Dexter’s wife and Dexter’s life comes full circle. His penance for years of dispensing vigilante justice.

Boo hoo. Her terrible show is being (rightly) savaged by the critics. Whining about it and calling it “censorship” - particularly in our current political climate, is extremely irresponsible and unbelievably self-absorbed.

The grade is invisible, just like Slender Man’s face! WooOOOooooOOO!

I think Kellam is in the game, too.

The pic at the top is the current Pixel 2, and not what the article is about. 


Throw some Old Bay on it!

that’s some fancy ass popcorn

For the uninitiated,swatting is a harassment tactic low level form of attempted murder by cop. 

(cough) Michael Rooker (further coughing)

Bautista may be acting a little over-exuberant with these statements but I admire the man for sticking to his Gunn.

If the app gets killed by Google, it'll be on you.