
Any argument Mike Cernovich brings up about ethics or morals is made in bad faith +1000.

Elsie: People complain about it, like, “Why don’t you make a PG-13 cut?” Well, that would just not be honest. Real-life eighth grade is rated R. So how about you actually fix the rating system? Or go next door and watch people get shot.

It’s 3 pm, let’s go have a beer and laugh about something instead of watching old Fox News shit.

I don’t want to offer legitimacy to any of the shit he tweeted, but he was apologizing for the same behavior in the past, not additional behavior.

Justine Sacco was fired in 2014 for making a joke in 2014. Surely you’re actually an intelligent person and understand the difference between that and being fired in 2018 for jokes you made in 2009. Surely you’re not incredibly stupid and making a truly idiotic comparison for political points.

There is a mighty big difference between being an edgelord in 2008, growing up, and apologizing for being such a massive douche in the past and being an edgelord in 2018 and acting like it’s fine.

The weird thing is that...didn’t he apologize for his horrible jokes early on? Like even before the first film? Can you really compare the Roseanne bullshit—being racist and unapologetic about it WHILE having her show on the air—with Gunn—who has made a point of showing growth since that time? It’s not a double

One of the worst parts of Kinjafication: no one understands gimmick posters. Sigh.

I can’t wait to stream my Trails of Cold Steel playthrough where I talk to every NPC at least twice on every day, save scum so I can see all of the relationship-building scenes, and frequently do that thing where you go one way down a dungeon and after like twenty seconds go “wait, I think this is the critical path,

This article is lacking a whole bunch of context about Cernovich and how evil he is and why there needs to be planet-sized grains of salt taken with whatever he says. Polygon has some better background information about this. Essentially, admitted rapist Cernovich has been on a tear trying to “prove” the “existence”

For the rest of the century, conservatives have their playbook and it’s fucking Gamergate.

If the NFL doesn’t know what a catch is, how could they ever understand a catch-22?

Seriously, the lack of understanding of one of the clearest DC characters exploded my bullshitometer.

Goddamnit! Fuck you, Zack Snyder for your continued influence on one of my favorite characters of all time. This is not Dick Grayson and not something I’m going to watch.

As others have said, the denial was plausible (though still a little creepy) right up until the whole, “since 2009" thing.

I mean, dude, I’ve been into people who weren’t into me, too (though not at an 18 year age gap—even if the subject of your interest is an adult, that’s a little creepy), but when my interest was

Did you read the article? They said they would refund anyone that want a refund. Jesus christ, you can’t do anything right anymore.

Girls, he reasoned, aren’t toxic.

Let’s be clear just because the bigoted, right wing assholes who will eventually flood the comments section have never heard of the atrocities Imperial Japan committed during WWII doesn’t change that they still happened and still affect places like Korea to this day.

{Citation needed}

Yeah, nah, it’s absolutely homophobic.