
I am always surprised by what I can’t find on any of the streaming services.

Elon Musk has earned the right to get a mulligan on this.

Except that it was a personal tweet, and not published, ergo not journalism. 

His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.

That’s a pretty good description of what Trump is doing right now in the UK.

One of the reasons I really love John Mulaney’s “horse in a hospital” bits is that it’s one of the few takes I’ve seen that’s really captured both the absurdity, and our collective shrugging acceptance of said absurdity, of Trump’s presidency. I particularly like his response to Trump voters (“the people who opened

Wait, there are people who don’t already know this?? It was obvious to me the first time I saw it in the theater and I was five years old at the time. Luke looks down at his mechanical hand, realizing that he’ll become like Vader if he kills him.

Nancy Pelosi will step up and force that fucker Crowley to step aside because she’s smart enough to realize how bad this looks after the Bernie/DNC fiasco.

There’s definitely a lot to be said for the ‘lets cut the texting and meet’ approach, but I still I think you need to give the other person something more than a picture to make them want to meet. Some hobbies or interests for them to say "this person is interesting". It doesn't have to be an autobiography.

When I used to online date, I would write something along the lines of “I really don’t want to talk online for a long time. If you’re interested in meeting up, let’s just get a beer.” Long story short: I stopped online dating because so few people would actually be willing to just get together and actually see what

Nah, she’s not among us. After they went back to that Wal Mart, one of the managers there mistook her for an employee and asked why she wasnt at her register. She dutifully donned her apron and set to work, and she’s been at that register ever since

And she has a driver’s license.

This woman is among us, just walking around not noticing shit.

Two times it’s acceptable to be shirtless: when you’re at the beach, or if you’re in your own music video/on stage as a performer in front of thousands of people who are cool with you being shirtless.

“Self-censorship,” in the abstract anyway, sounds a lot like someone saying “Hey, this idea I have may not go over well to some people and maybe I should step back and reexamine if it’s really necessary/do I have the ability to handle this issue appropriately.”

I do not know what a “spline” is or what you’re bitching about. You can still watch the subbed version online. Especially when you seem to believe that the distributor of the anime in question should give up its own free speech to not dub the episode. Why do you hate free speech while allegedly claiming that you’re

Yeah not really, the distribution company just decided to not dub the episode. 

Let me remind everyone that this is not censorship. Censorship implies that the government has banned the episode in question. This is not the case as its still possible to stream the subbed version of the episode. No, what has happened was that the distributor to the Pokemon anime has decided not to localize this

Y’know, everyone always says that, but when you ask “What are you going to do FOR the victim?” there’s a long silence, usually for decades.