
Controversial opinion here: Everything good in the world is actually terrible.
-You, basically.

Fuck me, I want this shit to end already. He was in Florida to campaign for his fellow pedophile/sexual predator, ffs. He’s a pathological liar who has never apologized once in his pathetic fucking life, yet he has the balls to call other people out when they make a mistake.

I completely agree re: the second half of season 6. Season 7 gets a lot of shit because no one can write like ASP but at least it felt like the season 7 writers were trying. Most of season 6 feels to me like ASP trying to blow the show up out of spite.

You are trying so so hard that I’m going to reply: stop trolling. This is weak and obvious and frankly kind of sad. You seem angry and I promise that if you go outside and go for a walk you’ll feel a lot better after it than you ever will with this. Even if you manage to piss off or offend somebody on here and get a

Embezzling, violating the constitution, using the office of a regulatory agency to deregulate a company he worked for.

The only person destroying Lena Dunham’s reputation is Lena Dunham.

I think something is lost in translation here.

Just so we’re don’t want YouTube controlling what you can and can’t see, but you want there to be a law defining what Fire Departments can and can’t say?

They were tied up from someone who could have been in genuine harm that wasn’t of their own doing.

That’s your take? A guy voluntarily sticks his head in a microwave, fills it with an expanding, hardening substance, and then films it with the intention of profiting from it... and you come away from all of that saying that the FIRE DEPARTMENT should be ashamed of themselves for calling out his idiocy?

Part of the problem is that nothing Lena Dunham has done makes sense. Her original statement made it sound like she had proof that this was a false accusation. When she gets flak for defending Miller, she suddenly walks the whole thing back. So, was she lying to protect her guilty friend or is she throwing her

Her show was good and she hadn’t done anything problematic at that point. Not sure why it’s bad to praise a creator whose work you enjoy.

To be fair, people only assumed it was frivolous because it was reported that way be disingenuous media sources and politicians who consistently take the side of large corporations over the consumers they’re supposed to be serving.

So’s your old man!

Suits is a USA network show filmed in Vancouver.  

conceivably, considering i registered this account before i could legally drink and am now 26.

Your responses show me exactly what kind of person you are, I don’t have any desire to know you either.

Oh wow, I thought you were being sarcastic but you’re not, and you missed your own point.

But he’s not “just a comedian” now is he? He’s in a role where he’s somewhere between comedian and serious journalist. Just because there are plenty of “journalists” like say...Matt Lauer who haven’t asked a challenging question in their lives, it doesn’t mean Oliver is obligated to be a starfucker too.

“Yes, Monk, I’m paid entirely in attention, and You Sir are my best customer.