
This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

Don’t worry Danny, it’s all part of Xenu’s plan.

So, another link between Cheeto Benito and Roy Moore… Neither of them like Bush!

that’s not the case for any of the lightspeed exclusives (borderlands, resident evil 5, MGS:RR, portal, hl2 + episodes) nor metal gear 2/3 remakes.

Now playing

Exclusive footage from the premiere of Season 6:

While that’s probably #1, he was also in Wet Hot American Summer

I’ma go with “idiot”. Comment history bears this out!

I know it won’t be him, but if Bob Mueller ended up on that cover I would laugh until I cried (for various reasons).

Hard to tell if you’re making a joke or are an idiot.

I hope it’s Kaepernick. It’d piss 45 off bigly. My phone wants to autocorrect “bigly” to “bigot” and I nearly allowed it.

There would presumably be a legal problem with walling off American-owned US property in a way to make it Mexican land for all intents and purposes.

I agree, but Beloved Franchise #2928: The Re-reckoning really is a great game, and I think they just want to be contrarian. So what if it has a mini-map and an archaic difficulty slider?

Anecdote: Kotaku has been pretty much my go-to source for the last 8 years give or take. My Discord filled with guildmates and other online gaming friends have some kind of Rage-Boner for the site. Something I’m reminded of everytime I try and share an article of something cool and they freak out.

When you see people complaining about “bad” game journalism, they really should be talking about things like this, but instead, they rage about sites like Kotaku or Polygon giving a game from BELOVED FRANCHISE #2928 a “bad” review until their brains explode.

So Alex Borstein is in the first few episodes of Gilmore Girls as Drella, playing a harp and giving off sarcastic remarks. I didn’t like that character nor the performance that went with it.

Is it just me, or is this show’s version of Lenny Bruce entirely too mild mannered to be convincing? I know this is an Amy Sherman-Palladino show and all, but that was my first clue the protagonist and her story were pure historical fiction as opposed to based on an actual comedian or some sort of composite. 

his words alone were not. but accompanied by actions they would have been admissions of crime.

The only one I can think of was when John Lassater was accused of harassing Rashida Jones, which she said didn’t happen. That came among other stuff that apparently did happen, but it was still inaccurate.

Yep! Terrific film. It was made in my area (Kansas City) and I know people who worked on it. Actually when the story broke about this new HBO production, there was some serious talk about a lawsuit from the film’s creators. Realistically I don’t know how you can claim copyright over alt-history, but all the same I was

We’re all distraught over this, but don’t dole out spectacularly stupid advice. At the heart of this story is the omnipresence of cameras - and if you think that by storming in and assaulting a child bully at school is going to yield positive results in this day and age (nothing like when your badass mother did it),