
Yeah, I've gotten that feeling the times I've been there, so I'm sure I'd be fine. I've literally never been worried about it, for all the years I've been planning to move there after school. It's really only been the last month or two, under Trump, that my headspace has been in such a "this can only end badly" type

This is going to sound really stupid, but I've actually been getting concerned lately about my plans to move to NYC after I've got some money saved up. I feel like Trump's actions are making the risk of another 9/11 style attack - even on a smaller scale - that much greater than living in a rural area like I do now.

Show me one person who likes this new commenting system, and I'll show you a Disqus employee.

End of 2014, into 2015. So two years ago.

*downloads and runs jaredleto.exe*

Hey, they didn't list violence in their objectionable content. Only sex, nudity, foul language, and homosexuality.

She's so good in it. The whole cast is, tbh.

Ooh, I'd love that.

I rewatched the entirety of Don't Trust the B recently.

I heard Trump's going to honor Mrs. Ghazi with a fifteen minute round of applause at his next press conference.

I wanna make a joke about how "all Garys gotta stick together" but I have a feeling I'll just come off as an asshole who thinks the decision to publish this article was correct.

I heard part of it, but I don't think I ever finished it. I believe I'm still a donor, so I should probably go check that out soon haha.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World's Brie Larson.

For any MBMBaM fans out there who aren't a part of the fan group on Facebook, Lin-Manuel shared a photo a few days ago from Monday's episode that's really excellent.

Last week's TAZ rocked my world. Only thing that made the ending better was Clint's insane laugh highlighting it all.

Ugh, kill me.

The card actually didn't read "Best Actress," the envelope did. The card itself only said Emma Stone - La La Land, which is what confused him. He couldn't tell if the actress was printed instead of the producers and the film was correct, or if the card itself was wrong.

Trump's out too. So not sure if it even matters anymore.

You should watch Hell or High Water, because it absolutely deserved a nom. As said both by Oliviatremor and in the article, it and the other four main films of this Oscar race would make for an amazing nomination line up.

If you don't crack up at Griffin repeatedly failing to land a thrown water bottle and dabbing throughout the #teenz episode of MBMBaM, you have no soul.