
Technically, the Galaxy Note7 was the 6th iteration in the Note line.

Not a bigot, I promise.

Is Sense8 worth it? Seriously asking, I've been looking for a new show to binge on when I have nothing else to do.

I'd swap EWBAITE with White (White grew on me, EWBAITE did the opposite), but otherwise, yeah.

I first heard the Blue Album in high school, and tried out Pinkerton because I'd heard it was one of those "critically reviled at launch, critically acclaimed in later years" type of albums and I always really liked that kind of stuff.

My email notification for your reply didn't show spoiler tags and so I came here to post SPOILER TAGS PLS DON'T RUIN IT

They recorded the entire show, both with audio recorders on stage (you can see them in the show) and with cameras.

Second vote for Second Life: Second Chances. The five minute excerpt online with the "Dog Suffrage" bit makes me laugh EVERY TIME.

Yo, no spoilers, but today's TAZ ep?

PocketCasts is really good about bringing up old episodes, and 262 isn't *that* old. I started listening years ago around episode 100, and I can still find episodes that go back that far.

Well, Travis' job at this point *is* podcasting, while Griffin and Justin still work full time at Polygon.

Just wanted to say I binge-watched the shit out of this show today, and it had me rolling.


He can alternate it with "Cheeseburger in Paradise."

Sounds like they violated your free speech rights. Take 'em to court, or whatever the fuck they usually demand in this situation.

"After I pulled my book, they changed the release date of Dangerous from March to June 13, the day my next book, Hunger, comes out. I said nothing because I was neither threatened nor concerned but it did reinforce for me that this was not a company I wanted to do business with."

Please be Jimmy Buffett.

Oh, no, definitely not. Bannon's gonna put his head on a stick, GoT style, and display it on the White House lawn.

I will, thank you.

I just watched Glengarry Glen Ross for the first time the other night on Netflix, knowing only the basics of the plot and the "Always Be Closing" chalkboard scene. I enjoyed it a lot, but perhaps most surprisingly, I had no idea that Pacino or Jack Lemmon were in it (for some reason, I always heard Harris, Arkin,