
I'm 21, so pretty squarely in the young millennial category. My friends and I all either grew up watching reruns of Seinfeld or watching it in high school. Most of us are fans, but I think one or two of my main friend group actively hate the show.

Bad Boys: Rise of the Machines

All of those dates should've had a "2018" after them.

Yeah, my friends and I met him and Greg at a book signing; both were really nice guys, even threw a football with us for a couple seconds that one of my friends had (against our recommendation) brought into the store with him.

This is a pretty show.

The shamrock shake was already perfect. Don't need to add chocolate or anything else to it, thanks.

Oh, my delivery of a story told over 4 months ago is certainly not going to be as good telling it, so I'd advise coming back here after the Candlenights episode airs because I'm assuming it'll be in there - I believe it was the cold open of the night.

It looks even better than I thought it would. The Uproxx interview with them was great too.

Telling people who buy me a gift that it was the wrong gift, or I already have it, or anything like that… It might make me feel uncomfortable more than anything else I can think of.

Sure. There is plenty that the Democrats have done that is wrong. Even just looking at our most recent president, Obama wasn't perfect. There's a whole series of conversations you could have on his flaws, from his overusage and reliance on drone warfare to his broken promise to close Gitmo.

I tried to like it for a bit, the same way I tried to like Family Guy when it was what the majority of people talked about. But I could never get behind the mean, and as you said, gross sense of humor.

The whole "both sides are bad" shit is garbage. It was said over and over again during this election especially, and it contributed to the false equivalence of emails = all of Trump's bullshit.

Yeah, I remember kids started talking about it when I was around 5th or 6th grade. I don't think I checked it out until 8th and basically decided I didn't like it's sense of humor, but a lot of people I know grew up watching it and were definitely impacted by it.

Cara Delevingne got to date St. Vincent for over a year.

Hey, I did the same thing! He pivoted to commenting about veterans, so I just completely shut him down with how little the Republicans actually care about veterans and first responders.

I don't know man, that Hooters scene in Split was pretty amusing.

Agreed on Vox. They aren't perfect but they do a good job, especially when contextualizing news. I know some people hate that, but there's so much news now that it's often hard to keep track of everything.

Also former Scout, and definitely. I was one of two, maybe three left-leaning Scouts in my troop, and I remember several derogatory comments about gay boys being allowed in the troop when the national council made that decision in 2013; I'm sure similar comments were made in 2015 about gay leaders.

I binged season one a week ago, hard.