
So a year ago, I was taking one of the final required classes for my major, Communication Law and Ethics. Despite being a 400-level class, it was pretty straightforward. The guy teaching it is a pretty well-known retired journalist from on of our local city's news networks.
He regularly used RT content in class. It was

How so? And what is this referring to?

How cryptic can you be about ecstasy?

I recently discovered that my old scoutmaster, who I was Facebook friends with, defriended me right around the time following the election (I realized I hadn't seen his posts in a while, and did a search to realize we weren't friends on the platform anymore, and the last post I recognized (his page isn't private) was

Pretty sure you meant Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott.

Definitely maybe!

They definitely filmed some kinds of sketches for it. Look up the story about throwing a tarantula parade through the streets of Huntington.

I was at the taping for the Candlenights finale (I have the poster sitting in my room right now), and so having seen a tiny slice of the content they made for the show, let me just say…

This week's This American Life unsurprisingly dealt with reactions to Trump's inauguration from people of several different backgrounds. The first one on the show was a segment about "trolls" hanging out at the Deploraball (fuck off). The interview with the woman they had was interesting, because when the TAL producer

By the way, I read your diary. Didn't know you watched wrestling.

I'm a Patreon subscriber of theirs and I somehow missed that this was (presumably) deposited in my inbox.

Hey, no problem! I'm hoping that out of context some of the plot points in the songs don't mean much to you so you can watch the show and still be surprised. But marathon it on Netflix, I think you'll fall in love by episode four.

Hey, thanks! And thank you for reminding me I have to finish Atlanta (I was finishing my last semester of school while it aired, and I struggle to focus on most shows airing week to week, so I'm only halfway through, despite loving what I saw).

I agree, less episodes means less songs which means the songs you don't like as much stick out in your head. I'm with you on both Women Gotta Stick Together and Flooded with Justice, they're both… okay. And there are some only-okay songs this season too. But overall, especially since season two obviously had less

Another classic. Fontana's delivery of "I'll fly this plane" makes me crack up every time.

"but don't get attached there's no way it's getting a third season" is how I introduced people to YTW, and it's on its way to a fourth. Never doubt quality, sometimes it actually does matter.

I'm not sure how much weaker the songs are. Maybe a bit, but Math of Love Triangles and Tapped That Ass are both definitely in my top ten, possibly my top five favorite songs on the show (I've rewatched them both on YT multiple times over).

I think the least amount of songs in an episode is 1.25 (1 full song, a quarter of another song that gets cut off) and the most is 3 (with one of them being shorter than the others). If you want a preview of the songs, Rachel Bloom posts them all on her YouTube channel (and if the song has an uncensored version, she

I'm really happy with mine. I'm coming off graduating college a few weeks ago, so in addition to trying to find a video production job in NY, I'm finally working through my huge, HUGE backlog of games. I'm terrible about finishing games for some reason I've never really understood, so I've made it my mission this year