It’s complete bullshit that a racist bigot is being backed by an otherwise great entrap anger. I think less of Peter theil and his support of hulk hogan.
It’s complete bullshit that a racist bigot is being backed by an otherwise great entrap anger. I think less of Peter theil and his support of hulk hogan.
Most pas make between $150-$250 a day. In reality it’s about $150 a day. Rarely higher then $200. So it's not to far off.
I should do this for reality tv. In comparison an exuctive producer in reality makes around 4.5k a week, followed by co-Ep at 3.5K, then editor at 3.5k and then producer at 2.5k. I hate explaining to people that an editor is the boss, not the producer.
you win today. congrats
#1 reason I have a car. I use it 1 time a week and it's to get the hell out of here. Haha
Whoops, Thanks for that.
Well done. Welllll donneeee.
could be a good thing...They wont standardize charging ports but they sure as hell will jam it down everyone’s throat and that can make accessibility way easier.
If you crash at 700mph will backward seats matter?
I don’t get it. Is ant man a thing? Is it a good movie!? Does it have a following?
I'm worried about that.
Ohh and they are cheap. You can get a good used 250 for $1,700
One word. Motorcycle. That’s how I learned. They give you a lot of revs to work with so its a great way to learn.
To all you out there. I declawed my cat and it is the biggest regret I have. Don’t do it. My cat does not have any problems or issues but I fear for her when I move out of a nyc apartment to a home where she can get outside.
To all you out there. I declawed my cat and it is the biggest regret I have. Don't do it. My cat does not have any problems or issues but I fear for her when I move out of a nyc apartment to a home where she can get outside.
Guy at the end slapping his hands together was so mad he didn’t get to push/rescue the rally car.
I just flew out of jfk today. I admit I was a bit late but the line was so bad they moved us to the front because an hour early wasn’t enough time. We just made it to boarding.
You're fun.
I’d be curious to see one that includes 1400-now and points out when the industrial revolution started.