
Personally, I think carrying a pregnancy to term has far, far more profound, and much longer lasting effects on a person. An abortion is a memory -possibly a regret, possibly not - but a baby you carried for nine months and then brought into the world is a living, breathing being that will physically, mentally,

Getting an abortion was one of the easiest choices I have ever made. And that is due in large part because of feminism and all of the women who have and still do work their asses off to show us that it is our body and our choice, and that the only opinions on what we do with it that matter are our own. Although I do

She opened the first birth country in our nation. She started us on the path of women having access to sex ed and birth control, and she should be embraced as a model or even a hero for that. I’ve never heard a soul claim she should be embraced for her beliefs in eugenics, and certainly not that she’s a hero to

Hellloooo, didn’t you read his letter? He doesn’t believe in a government mandated minimum wage. It’s those business’ job to bump their employees’ salaries - which they’d all totally do on their own, because no corporation would ever exploit their workers to make the most possible money off of them, dontcha know!

That a is terrifyingly on point observation.


I think it’s already there. I think these people have a problem with anyone with a penis using a women’s restroom and vice versa, including people whose genitals they’re not sure of at first glance. Trans people are just the largest and most widely known and spoken about group of people who don’t present as their

How often, and how, period, are these bathroom bills even enforced 99% of the time? Are there guards at bathroom doors? I’m honestly confused as to why so many people are so riled up over where others piss and shit. So much money is spent bringing these bills up and fighting them back and forth in court, and I’m

Is it really too easy though if he did say no to other men, but is okay with other women? I obviously don’t know him or your relationship, but if you two had a serious conversation about it and that’s what he said, I’d take him at his word. You could always start out with small things, like telling him about a cute

I can definitely see how the policies can result in women being sort of encouraged to “stay in their place,” but I don’t think it’s by design, but that it’s because it’s generally women who are the victims of domestic violence, rather than men. Certainly can’t argue that it doesn’t benefit the patriarchal system,

This must be very embarrassing for you.

Shhhh, that doesn’t suit their narrative!

Yes, but this guy was already being detained by ICE and likely about to be deported.

Well, yeah. If they die on the streets, that’s less illegal immigrants taking up our space and resources!

Grammar matters and condensing concepts into a single word dilutes it’s its effectiveness.

Government benefits. Taxes. Jobs. Crime. I’m sure there are others, quite possibly imaginary, that a Trump supporter could add to the list, too.

So we can pay to support him? No thanks.

I get what you’re saying, but. Say it’s the same scenario that happened to you, but the driver who hit you had a suspended license (which, tbf, is just as possible as their not being here legally). Same deal, they freak out once you start involving the police. Does that mean that laws requiring vehicle operators to

Obviously there is a huge problem if ICE is deporting people for reporting a crime (or otherwise interacting with law enforcement in any way), that goes without saying, and has been discussed quite a bit, as it should be. BUT. This particular instance seems to be a hell of a lot less cut and dry than an illegal

I was kind of hoping for a reason why Oprah wouldn’t release the footage, rather than another article nearly identical to the ones I’ve already read on here... I am very curious what Oprah’s motives were for trying to keep this hidden, and I’m hoping it’s out of respect for Fierstein, rather than a monetary reason.