
This whole "white knighting" business has always confused me. Is it criticizing a person for speaking out against something said person thinks is wrong, but since they aren't the same gender/race/sexuality/etc., it's seen as not being their issue, thus they're "crusading" to liberate something they don't fully

I would be just as dumbfounded if they did a similar program with a male "motivator". I think a common misconception with feminism is that women only become angry with something when it imposes on women's rights, when in reality most feminists want equality for everyone (meaning that men should be able to engage in

I recently started working for an indie start-up, and I realized how weird it was that I was so happy to learn I had female co-workers. Obviously no company will ever have exactly 50/50 (that'd be really strange and almost seem staged), but after some analysis of my reaction, I realized that I hadn't even come in with

I absolutely love the Atelier series <3 I've only played the Arland series and up through Ayesha in the Dusk series (I have Escha & Logy, but having just finished Ayesha, I needed a break), and I am constantly impressed by them. Most throw them by the wayside as being "moe-centric," when in reality is actually a

It's a really fine line, and I understand why it bothers you. I think one of the reasons narratives in video games aren't up to par with other mediums is because some players are so focused on wish fulfillment that they would rather see the characterization of NPCs suffer than not get their way. Obviously LovePlus

Right, obviously there's instances where the wording should be pondered over, especially if the person you're interacting with does not speak English as their first language. Good point :)

Oh, definitely! I think to relate to anyone, you have to have at least something in common with them. Since you said it was "unrealistic" above, I thought you meant you had to have everything in common; I was like, yeah, doesn't work that way hahah. But now I understand :)

The weird companionship between them is actually very well-explored, too. It's just a well-rounded show.

If it helps any, I'd vastly prefer someone with witty sarcastic banter over... not witty sarcastic banter hahah

And I haven't by publicly declaring that Krillin's the best DBZ character? ;)

I forgot about Rick and Morty! That was definitely a darkhorse for me. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do :)

I want to try Hannibal! I hear nothing but good things about him, er, eating people.

I just caught up on House of Cards. Man is that an awesome show! Other than that, I'm watching Game of Thrones, VEEP, Shameless, and Archer. I might start the Goodwife soon since I keep hearing good things about it, and I haven't seen a law show in a while.

If it was up your ass, you'd be seeing the inside of your rectum instead of the discussion we're having; so unless you have a laptop up there, I think you're good ;)

(Quick note, Groen actually commented on my first post to you about why he's not going through a publisher. Check it out; it's insightful!)

What you gave is definitely an extreme example I've never seen before (though I guess I'm not on Kickstarter constantly hahah). If someone wants to fund something like that, hey,

I definitely have too. My brother was like that for a while in that he felt like he needed to "help" the girls he was dating out of their situations. Needless to say, it never worked out. Thankfully he's with someone now who is very independent and isn't afraid to say so :)

If it was liking dating my twin, I might as well date myself. Think of all the fancy chocolate I could buy myself then not feel guilty for eating since it was a gift.

That's very interesting! Thank you for your insight and responding to my post :) I figured you had good reasons to do so, especially with your credentials since having those can get doors open easier, so it's nice to hear them. Whatever the case, I donated for the digital version. Good luck with everything :)

(I forgot this was you too. Continue to grow my young pupil. Continue!)

I guess it's a matter of being more invested in yourself instead of the other person, at least at the beginning. That doesn't mean be an egotistical douche, of course, but just be very clear to yourself about what you want and what you don't.