
MoviePass works at almost any theater. And it is usually cheaper than quoted here.

Just to be "that guy", I'm going to comment on each of you points citing my experience as a MoviePass subscriber:

It's still a year

This is an interesting read. I was watching the launch from the Wallop Island visitors center. People were horrified when the rocket exploded, then the staff ran around shouting "Evacuate! Evacuate!!"

Many dentists these days do not even offer amalgam restorations. Partially because patients don't really want them as much, and mostly because of the high cost and hassle of proper disposal.

Replacing perfectly stable amalgam restorations is unethical and malpractice. PS: your resin fillings contain BPA. Now what?

I've always been a fan of the Snugg pouches.

Many of these instruments are still in use, in one form or another. Like this one:

After wearing my Pebble for a a few weeks, it was weird to be without it. I missed calls and found myself looking at my wrist when my phone would vibrate. I agree there still isn't an essential or killer feature, but it sure is nice to glance and send a quick canned response to messages and dismiss calls from my

This isn't surprising at all. Apple has no secrecy anymore. If they had anything even remotely ready for production we would at least know what it looks like.

Eastern Shore (Fruitland) Maryland

The Pebble easily gets a week on a single charge. Now of course it is clearly not up to the caliber of the MOTO 360, but it does have that advantage.

Saved By The Bell? THE SIMPSONS?!


In the 80s we wore the same clothes every day, even in our family pictures.

Funny thing is, Comcast claims median monthly data using is 16GB. Sure it is, Comcast. Sure it is.

Another pebble supporter here. No one that has seen it on my wrist has said "wow thats an ugly watch!", they all just say "WOAH IS THAT THAT PHONE WATCH THING!!?". In this case function > form.

Obviously there are indications for using CGI when the practical effects are no longer 'practical'. But I agree with Nolan's use of CGI, which he describes in this interview

First off, I agree that the effects look good, even though particular video looks more like a video game to me.