
Yep. Reset Network Settings worked for me, but I did check Apple's services status page to see if it was down.

Good! Unfortunately that's not the norm. I took a 2 year old to the OR recently and had to extract 6 of her 8 top teeth because they were decayed past restorability. She was in the hospital for three days (before treatment) for IV antibiotics due to the infection. Poor girl doesn't even have all her baby teeth yet.

You'll probably have to wait a long while before there is any objective research on this. For now I'd say you're better off with an electric brush and keeping the floss handy.

According to Blizzident it can floss! Thats why you have to send them an impression, so they can design the floss hooks to fit your teeth perfectly. They also say that replacements are cheaper because they don't have to start from a new impression. I don't see that working out too well, being that teeth are constantly

As a pediatric dentist I will say this: Most parents don't even use the free brushes we give them, so they sure as hell aren't going to spend $300 on a brush (especially for kids).

So you do your own root canals? Thats cool.

It doesn't matter what brush you use, as long as you brush correctly and long enough. 2min, 2x daily. Some power brushes actually do show better plaque removal, but if you're only brushing for 30 seconds it wont make any difference.

Ever since using the Oral B SmartSeries 5000 with its oscillating and pulsating power, I can never go back to a manual brush.

Blech :/

I hope they paid full price for all those stock photos.

This makes me desperately want to get an old Motorola RAZR and use it as my daily dialer. Not so someone could replace it, but just because it was such an amazing phone at the time. And everyone would be like "holy shit? is that a RAZR!!"

He just needs to lose that motorola.

I think he was just really surprised. His lack of response doesn't seem like a lack of excitement, but a sign of humility. Like he actually feels bad that this guy just gave him his brand new iPhone, and feels like he doesn't deserve it.

OMG you are my hero.

And Safari doesn't have a "open in background tab" option, instead it immediately throws you into the new tab/page. BAH!!

Thanks for the reply! Im honored that you registered an account just to reply to my asinine remark. I mean I assume you did, unless of course you scour the Gawker comments just looking for opportunities to tell people to GetTheFuckOverIt.

So... basically a Pebble right?

Same here. Basically the author wants a Pebble, but doesn't like the design. It does everything a smart watch promises to do, and still functions as a normal digital watch when the phone is not connected. And lasts at least 5 days.

How did this Vsauce character get a standing weekly/biweekly post on Giz? He's annoying as hell. The worst part is the posts aren't tagged as Vsauce, so we get tricked into clicking trough to the video to see those bulging eyes and hear that "HEY!! V-SAUCE!!1".